Ace Of Black Hearts Poems

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Master plan.
Built upon match sticks.
Watch it all burn away,
Fading fast.

I Don'T Recognize Him

Ambition is the horse I rode for things that never came.
The foundation of change.
Dreams in a small note book thrown into the fire.
A backpack a little emptier.

Dying Spark

I did everything you asked of me.
Why am I the one that feels so guilty.
Drowning in a tablespoon of water.
Is it even possible?

The Trial Of An Entire Nation

Still throwing money at our problems.
Still you don't get it.
The fix is already in.
It's happening with or without your consent.

Too Late, Too Far Gone?

A creature is born.
A creature dies.
The inherent essence of life itself.
Dictated not by our choosing.

Is It Possible To Be Free Without Morality

I was brought up to believe in this country, believing that this is the country where we are truly free. How does one truly define freedom? A question that indeed must be asked again. Indeed there are many varieties and avenues in which it travels. From religion standpoint, from an political stand point, from a foreign stand point, from a kids stand point, from class stand point, from an institutions standpoint, from an individual standpoint. It a logistical nightmare to even try to define it in a paragraph or two.

Freedom is the holy grail we all cling to for the right to do what we want as long as it doesn't impede on others such rights. But how do we define this impeding? This vague interference that no one in this country seems understand. From the individual all the way to the top we are impeding on each other. In fact we made it into a competition. Where the winner is the one who impedes the most. The desire to be better off then another human by destroying there rights. We are taught this from very young age in very simplistic ways. T.v. promotes it everyday, in advertisements, movies, t.v. shows, even
reality t.v. ect.

Satisfying Alternate Egos

Misdirected anger.
The crack of the whip.
The sound of thunder.
Short lived, yet by the time it is finished the damage has been done.

Boys Fate

Does the mother not wonder?
Not as a unending curiosity.
But as a loving parent.
Out of wed-lock matters how?

Prideful Shame

No mystery here.
Just eat some raisin brain cereal and be happy.
You wanted some bananas to go with that then why didn't you ask?
A simple request alas.

What If No One Comes To Help?

Blood sores.
Poison is the enemy.
Silent are its victims.
Some call it the flesh eating scourge.

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