Ace Of Black Hearts Poems

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Mothers' Love

It rips at the soul the way only a mothers love could do.
The freshness of it is yet of the autumn dew.
Trees start to turn the colors of reds, yellows and orange.
And then is the sadness in which it comes. the first brown leaf being crumbled up and blowing away.

Will The Queen Of The Ice Accept A Rain Check?

I don't need you.
Never did, take your heart it's frozen.
A block of ice so solid.
In a kiln it still would not melt or be set free.

Will The Man Change His Ways?

A political leader known to be infected.
Goes on anyway to spread his contagion.
Not caring who it hurts.
Believing that the election is all that matters.

Deleting The Libel

Life experiences.
Different parts to put together.
Not necessarily of the here and now.
Trying to understand all of them is impossible with out the proper context.

I Still Visit Your Grave, Atleast In My Head.

Welcome to the star studded story.
It is beautiful, in all its glory.
A stimulation to the mind.
A mixture of time.


You remember Lisa right?
The girl with sparkling eyes.
Lustrous lips so plump and red.

Exploring Personalities

Playing with words.
Seeing what new experiences can be lived.
Does it work, does it not?
The question of poetry is not does it rhyme.

Marigolds Taken From The Dirt

Hey Lily.
I read the headstone today.
And I think to myself how is this going help
They say I need closure.

This Child's Letter.

Come away with me.
Time to be kid again.

A game of chance.

Born Through Broken Glass

I was born into this.
Don't you get it?
It wasn't by choice or reason.
Confessions of a mad man.

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