Ackley AbdulRahman

Ackley AbdulRahman Poems

Choices Have Consequences.
They say you better do what you think than do what others think you should do,
That if you don't choose wisely then prepare for the dark side of your choice,

Just as it may come out to be, You remain my apple of the eye,
In all worldly possessions, you're among my desires
No matter the rise and falls, i will hold you tight,
With my bare hands, I'll scream whenever there's need

If I could go back in time,
I could do things right,
I could wipe the eyes I made cry
And speak more truth than all my lies

Life Gets Better Slowly.
Once, we walked long distance bare footed
Dragging with one hand our clothes loosely fitted.
Once, we had no clean water to drink or to cook

The pride of Africa

The pride of Africa, oh how grand,
With vibrant colors and endless land.

Hey sister, do not marry a poet,
He won't play with you like a baby or pet.
He is already married to his book and pen,
He is a therapist, that cure only his pain.

Leave The Doors Open
Drought has been, so far, you've been,
Rain had come, and so did the sun come,
Wind has blown, and so has time gone,

Ackley AbdulRahman Biography

Ackley is a great poet, vocalist, performer and an author of many Kenyan Music. He is a graduate at Moi University.)

The Best Poem Of Ackley AbdulRahman

Choices Have Consequences - Choose Wisely.

Choices Have Consequences.
They say you better do what you think than do what others think you should do,
That if you don't choose wisely then prepare for the dark side of your choice,
They say that life is beautiful with friends,
That life without friends is like an ocean without see creatures,
That a man is judged by the legacy he leaves not how he lived
Not what he believed but what he made people feel out of his decisions,
Think along with me,
Why do we need friends?
Why do we need somebody besides us?
Why is there the urge to make friends daily?
Why is it as it is yet friends have both a negative and positive influence in our lives?
Is it because it is mandatory?
Is it because it's a routine?
Is it the human nature or what?
What you think is quite different from what I think.

Have ever ascertained yourself critically?
Why are you leading the kind of life you are leading right now?
Is it because of the choices your parents made before, or you just chose to lead such a life?
Where will you be in the next ten years or such?
Does it challenge you to at least work hard for a better tomorrow?
Though they say that what comes today is for today,
But what comes today sometimes determines how your tomorrow will look,
And if this is today what will tomorrow be?

Hardships have been there since the beginning of time,
It is here with us,
And it will always be there for our next generations,
That ashes to ashes, and dust to dust,
Everyone passes, but death is a must,
Doesn't matter who's first, neither who's last,
We lead a life that our parents chose,
For they were honest and just,
Daily we try, but we promise to adjust,
Though their memories are in the past,
For each day that passes leaves a disgust,
Just because choices have consequences,
And that life knows no one,
Be it the rich nor the poor,
The young nor the old,

So, make a great choice, make a great choice that your children will rejoice and not regret for what you chose for them,
In life we sometimes behave like fools to fool the fools who think they are fooling,
But what happens when you chose a wrong choice?
People will fool you. They'll degrade you, and they'll treat you as the last option,
Always admire to inspire before you expire,
For the choice you make today,
Shall determine the life your siblings will lead! ! !

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