Aimee Kiefer

Aimee Kiefer Poems

I am not a religious woman,
but given half the chance,
I would call in sick every Sunday
to worship at the temple of your body.

It will be painful for a while,
it is going to eat away at you.
Of course it will sting a bit
as all disinfectant stings.

I hope that you're alright.

I hope that you've quit smoking,
and managed to slow your drinking.

Sometimes, I get lost in
the cacophony of insults
and expletives we hurl at each other,
and forget why we are even fighting,

I like you a whole lot.
It sounds childish, but it's true.
I am sure there are more beautiful ways
to say that, but sometimes, certain things

I will miss you as the days between talking give way to months,
as the inches between us slip into miles,
as the state lines separating us grow in number,
as the memory of your face starts to fade,

The whole world is burning,
and the smoke smells like
hypodermic needles and
dead children.

I have been searching for a fault line,
some great divide where we could
hide all of our guilt, so that when
our friends ask what went wrong,

It's all empty,
the whiskey glass,
my bed sheets,
the 'I love you's,

Today, I brought home your ashes.
I held you in my arms and begged for alchemy,
but tears and ashes do not mix to form you.

It is mid Spring, and my sunflower
is outgrowing the flowerpot
it has spent its whole life in.

I hate to say this because it is not usually
the kind of girl I am, but Jesus Christ,
do I want to hold your goddamn hand.

I can still hear my name
tumbling around on the
tip of your tongue,
like a song you loved,

I am going to miss you
for an awfully long time.

Late at night, when the terrors

There is no love here,
that's not what this is about.
It's about flesh on flesh,
mouth to mouth,

Aimee Kiefer Biography

I have been writing poetry since I was only seven years old and my dad bought me my first journal. I am currently working on a collection of poems called The Year of the Poem, and a part of that collection is The Elizabeth Series. You can find all of my work at

The Best Poem Of Aimee Kiefer

Holy Water

I am not a religious woman,
but given half the chance,
I would call in sick every Sunday
to worship at the temple of your body.

I have never been baptized,
but in the warmth of my bedsheets
the sweat that drips from you
is far more sacred than any Holy Water.

I have never felt the Holy Spirit
move inside my wine-drunk soul,
but I have felt your godly touch
bless every inch of my cursed frame.

I have never been saved,
But I swear, if I were armed
to the teeth with your love
I could break through the Pearly Gates.

I am not a religious woman,
but I have come to lay
my body upon the pyre.

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