Alone Tone

Alone Tone Poems

rain in my head
seep out my eyes
drain from my heart,
now i do part

don't look back, stay on this new track
allow the light to be, pardon the darkside you'll see
the window washer came by and cleaned
now when you peer about, all you'll see will newly sprout

Moved to the bottom of the sea
staying out of the sun's life.
Head low, missing the trees.
Deep inside breathes a knife,

feeling the right thank left
hearing how they stumble
seeing their state in wind
knowing they're out on calls

Don't write about yourself,
and don't write about me.
Try listening to the wind,
hear how it goes deep within.

Don't be a blow
you only show what is not true
you think you know what is
but what you don't know is


black spots on my heart
cosed by the self
allowed another in

the picture is hanging on the wall
it greatly lacks colour
seems like there are some like one another
i didn't knee them in too far

The Best Poem Of Alone Tone


rain in my head
seep out my eyes
drain from my heart,
now i do part

forgetting is dead
on flow thrives
muscled in by layers-
voiced with slayers

idled upon energy's thread
cuckoo'd from its tide
familied by a brand-
freezes hour's sand

sear'd till widespread
my marrow to fry
murdered by ghost
living now as their host

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