Aniruddha Pathak Poems

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Dream And Reality

Ah lake, full of lilies, what a scene!
Lotuses blossoming well within,
I'd go there to enjoy,
To be mad, mad with joy

If So What Can Be Better

If my life's river be in spate,
What would I want better than that?
Should someone love still till this date,
What can I want still more than that?

Poetic Whispers

Amidst such traffic din and urban fears,
Here, whispering sweet nothings into ears—
A whisper of poetic fare
Amidst acrid polluted air!

Poet Laureate Emeritus

Last night when stuck with a poem
Sleep possest me but no way out,
Poetry pursuing me in a dream,
No way in site winning a bout.

Rains 2: Roars And Pours, Touching Cores

Moods move red to blue,
This rain's quite like you:
Roars, pours and touch cores sans clue.

A Window Of Views

Face to face with one of Nature's wonders
That looked like a flower,
‘Lily', simply said one of the gardeners
Looking at my pointed finger,

Measure Of A Man

The measure of a man
Some say, is not artistic ken,
But in harnessing of him,
His aspirations-filled dream,

No Wish Dies In Vain

I recall, it might now look feign
But we tried hard to meet,
And with some odd refrain
That appealed to me then a bit,

St Kabeer's Couplets 4: Why Poverty In Speech?

Speak such soft soothing words, no crude,
Words that help lose self pride for good,
Words that keep you in cool mood,
Make others as well feel good.

The Song Of Life: 34. Self Realization, When

Thine intellect, now in a perplexed state—
To this or that of doctrinal writ,
In shackles as holy books interprit,
Gets when steady, at rest, standing still,

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