Anne Jones Poems

Hit Title Date Added
The Road I Travel

The road I travel is windy and unsafe
Filled with road blocks and things to slow me down
Constantly seeing a stop sign
One day the signal will turn green and I will push my foot on the gas

Tears Of Lonliness

The tears fill my eyes as I look to release the emotions that are building from within
I feel alone and scared in my own thoughts
The wonder in my eyes leave me anxious

Standing On A Battlefield

Standing alone on the battlefield
Waiting for the fight
Afraid of what is to come
Not knowing how to fight this battle so that I can win

This Is A Happy Place

The Sun hits the water making it sparkle like gems
Blue sky above as the sun peaks through the sky
The gentle sounds of the waves washing up on the shore
This is a happy place

Cutting To Release

Alone in my room
Feeling every emotion possible
Not knowing what to do
The emotional pain keeps building

Teardrops Of Rain

The rain outside is falling steadily but slowly
I look at each leaf seeing a tear dropp slide down
Each branch of this bush carries it's own burden
Some stand at attention feeling alive and excited feeling refreshed

I Feel Alone

I feel alone lost in my despair
Nobody to listen, to help guide one down the path
No matter what I try to do to make it better I still can't fight and the climb seems like the impossible

Panic Sets In

Anger is rushing through this mind
Wanting to jump up and scream
The pain is running through to my core
Why do I feel this pain?

I Hear The Beat

I hear the beat the rata tat tat
I hear the rhythm and the rhyme
The soothing voice of words being sung
The music talks to me and tells a story to which i can relate

Sounds Of Nature

As I sit outside I take in all the sights and sounds of nature and my surroundings
It is hot and humid my clothing sticks to my body
The rays of the sun hit my face letting my skin feel the heat
A warm but steady breeze blows off and on making the branches of trees sway back and forth

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