Archana Rose

Archana Rose Poems

I see in your eyes, a reflection on my mind,
A love that was lost, but now you sought to find.
I can feel you reading me like an open book,
each movement and flurry and every gesture and look.

I wish for a day where u can hold me tight,
And sit beside me gazing at the stars twinkling through the night.
I can feel the breeze rustling my hair,
but above that I can your feel your warmth embracing me with care.

For year =2005 till year =2009,
I am declared as an identifier with a constant value AM105CS008 that would be statically mine.
Hence from the main begins the execution of a simple program called college life,
Hopefully the return from main would be an executable file,

An Embodiment from the ocean of love,
This beauty came sweeping across my beautiful yet calm shore,
I am blessed to have it anchored in my golden sands,
A wonderful object that tuned my stretched shore to unexplored bands

Archana Rose Biography

Hi, See each day as a new dimension added to your vision, Observe as though you are seeing the world for the first time since you gained your sight, feel the pleasures like a new born, and your life would be the greatest adventure yet to be explored, everyday....I am a computer science graduate from Amrita University, Kerala, India. I am currently placed at Infosys.I got a great passion for writing, and that delved me deep into my potentials for expressing my thoughts through my masterpiece words. Hope you enjoy reading my poems. Always feel free to dropp in your suggestions and I would be the happiest to hear a word or two from my critics.)

The Best Poem Of Archana Rose

A Thousand Times For You...

I see in your eyes, a reflection on my mind,
A love that was lost, but now you sought to find.
I can feel you reading me like an open book,
each movement and flurry and every gesture and look.
I gaze with mouth wide open wondering how you gained such a stride,
to know me so much you take great pride.
You are the earliest memory imprinted on my mind,
the first pattern in which pixels in my retina would bind.
I have seen you and known you through years,
you have been with me through laurels and fears.
Fears unknown that had crept into me,
but banish them from my mind, I am confident you make sure you see.
A jeweled treasure among my friends you are,
A pure love gushes, untainted and unfamiliar to mar.
You watch me day and night, year after year,
and when you cry, I feel thy love smeared on every tear.
Your eyes swell when I am hurt,
you hold me tightest even after pulling me out from untouchable dirt.
I don't know how you could feel so much for me,
Amazed to understand this was how love is meant to be.
My fears when I was in the womb is now dispelled,
I feared who would be so loving to hold me as his friend.
But now I cant understand how I entwined in your heart,
you nourished me in your thoughts and made me an indispensable part.
When you hold me close, I find our rhythms meet,
The truth is that we are two moving on a single beat.
I see you on rise, I see you on set,
I can't remember a moment when your gaze on me wasn't met.
You seem to have time for my every beackon and call,
And you spread your arms to hold me when I fall.
I am helpless to repay you in kind,
I grope among gifts to pick the best I can find.
But alas in vain I end my quest,
and all I can say is 'you are the best'.
I see the tears swell in your eyes again,
your love for me makes me go insane.
You look with a tender heart dilating in your eyes,
and I say you are to me very nice.
I am sorry I aroused your tears to their brim,
I wish they fill my heart and drown me, I don't want to swim.
I don't know how to thank you, again i say,
But you pull me close and I want it forever that way.
I can't bear to look in your eyes,
you garnished my life with the 'Love' spice.
And yet after all this you say,
'May I be able to give you more love every beautiful day......'

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