Atsar MusePen

Atsar MusePen Poems

The Sounds that don't belong here
Warning signs of running over and backing up
Doing it all over....again

Venturing forth wildly exploring wanderlust
Unfiltered moving vibrations
Aiming for flesh antennas

Sally Dupre' deserved an apology
For I never learned how to spell
Gunshots still ring in my ears...the smell...oh the smell


Next to to you
The two intertwined into one ball of loneliness
Rolling down the unforseen path that beckons so many
Searching for the edge...or at least a hopefull

She deserves a page of her own
For she belongs only with the moment
As not to forget...our pet

Patterened after an ailing..sinking ole' man
Borrowed upon the stored thoughts
Linking the years soldered together

The Big Rock shines
Hanging from the sky
Pulling at my thoughts
Opening my eyes


I blew her a kiss from a third story stair case
Turned my head and continued to climb
She reached for the love as it blew right past her
Missing her youth…still circling mine

Seven Steps wandering
Pushing loneliness into the other direction
She stands…feather in hand
“Where are you from? don’t look like you are from there


Temporary stalling just long enough to land
Captured in it’s wildest form
Birth of something hidden or combined
Like Frankenstein’s wandering ugly looks

By now you are disconnected as expected
Long waiting lines unprotected
A finger taps Codes or calls
High wire wraps and erodes us all

Atsar MusePen Biography

Nothing more than one take ramblings and raw thoughts. I rarely will rewrite anything, just let it fall out and maybe something in there will stick. Maybe some combination of words will generate an idea or lead me somewhere else. Enjoy writting songs..just for fun. Let the muse come out and play. I don't take myself too seriously...but was told I should honor my songs and prose, poems, what ever they may be...or not. Anchored at 1500 feet on the Big Island of Hawaii.)

The Best Poem Of Atsar MusePen

The Sounds That Don'T Belong Here

The Sounds that don't belong here
Warning signs of running over and backing up
Doing it all over....again

Progress to some
Destruction to all that really matters
Underneath... while sun kissed from afar

Bubbling...or is it angry...the blood of the land
Like mosquitoes sticking our swords into the beast
Mother....the land that feeds us...We will drain you

Without knowing the limits we continue
Egostistical Beings..unforseeing..the future

Plotting the holes...Plugging dried up wounds
Thinking we can mask with our own conscience

Small can hide...take what it owns
Whereever it goes on the move
For WE
We are Coming

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