Beloved Adejuyigbe

Beloved Adejuyigbe Poems

There's a purpose in divinity,
The molly in your ecstasy,
The redefinition of your journey,
The sobriety in your dreams,

My past, a loom of hell,
Bottled range of emotions in a shell,
Every gesture I made toward love repels,
You became the muse of my downfall, I fell.

As People do come and go,
So, the absence of the moon
Dreaded the purview of a lonely night,
Could it be the fright of wanting someone

Cinderella once embodied love's grace,
But then I encountered Priscilla's embrace,
A mesmerizing beauty, a beacon so bright,
An angel descended, bringing pure delight.


In the gentle cradle of the moon's embrace,
Resides Mary, adorned with divine grace,
Her presence brings forth love's celestial song,
A symphony of emotions that can never go wrong.


May the goat's shadow shield your way,

In shadows cast by flickering moonlight,
My wasted eyes on you, burning bright,
In silence, they yearned, seeking a sign,
Lost in a love that felt so divine.

You're not the rainbows,
You're not the stars,
You're not the rain that drips into my bowl,
You're not the scandal in my scars,

I really do feel I have a P.
See me drooling in therapy,
Lurking the dreads on my head,
Looking so wayward ahead


You are myopic, the world is small to your purview,
I am small to you like an atom in your element,
I am your element, an element to review,
Like a statement in your testament.

Words shall be your pillar,
When you sight the kind of thriller
the soul triggers in a monstrous shudder,
Words shall make you bigger

The ocean wails, our ship sails,
Still, I propelled to see the radiant on your face,
Through the waves and turbulence, I prevail,
Just to see that grimace on your face.

Your bumbum like the bottomline of the intention on my mind,
Your heart like the puzzle to scrabble,
Your body like the twirl of a whirlwind
That lures this stiff staff of mine to scribble.

Whenever I think of you, I think of love,
I think of how my world evolved,
from that little playboy to someone that really cares about how someone feels.
You've shown me the essence of true love,

Neither you nor today shall define my fate,
Nor trial nor tribulation shall celebrate,
No restless wave shall lead me to the grave,
No heaviest foe shall rob me of what I crave,

Feeling so close to my emotions,
Like the chemistry of my body to its lotion,  
Love is a notion that keeps teaching me 
How to love me and myself only, like I have no neighbors.

This is where it all ends,
Where I loathe my pains,
Where friends become fiends,
Where pains drafted strains,

Do not attempt to charm boys at sixteen,
For at sixteen, don't bestow kisses on the boy next door,
At this age, let your essence shine,
As a teenager, embracing God's wishes and more.

Beloved Adejuyigbe Biography

Beloved is a poet whose words dance on the page with elegance and grace. With each carefully crafted verse, he weaves a tapestry of emotions and experiences, inviting readers to embark on a poetic journey of self-reflection and contemplation. His poetry draws inspiration from the depths of his soul, effortlessly capturing the beauty and complexity of the human experience. Through vivid imagery and thought-provoking metaphors, Beloved's verses resonate with readers, evoking a myriad of emotions and sparking introspection. With an innate talent for storytelling, Beloved's poems transport readers to different realms, immersing them in rich narratives and poignant reflections on life, love, and the world around us. His mastery of language and rhythm creates a harmonious symphony of words that lingers in the hearts and minds of those who encounter his work. Beloved's poetic expressions are a testament to his deep connection with the written word, as he continues to craft verses that inspire, challenge, and ignite the imagination. As a poet, he leaves an indelible mark on the literary landscape, captivating audiences with his unique voice and unwavering passion for the art form.)

The Best Poem Of Beloved Adejuyigbe

Redefined Ecstasy

There's a purpose in divinity,
The molly in your ecstasy,
The redefinition of your journey,
The sobriety in your dreams,
The actualization of those imaginary dreams,
The voice in your sleep, like a creep that peeps,
The rosy diamond of expression,
The gold to find in your goals.

Purpose redefined like that of a champion,
Championing the cause of the world,
Opposing the motion of destruction,
Holding the weight of hefty words,
Is this an imagination?
Of heaven made so real,
Is this a realization?
Of a place so surreal.

Passion lies, where hope resides,
Ruby flies to a place like paradise,
Hope lies in the crease of lies,
Lies are told to those who care to listen,
Passion is defined by the spark in your emotions
And ecstasy is defined in the root of your mission,
Desire is felt in the chase of those dreams,
Ecstasy is redefined in the eventualities of your dreamscape.

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