Bernard F. Asuncion Poems

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Each And Every Day

The best day of the year is every day,
Having its own concern or matter;
Everything under the sun
Is willed by the Almighty Father.

Safe And Secure

S-aving lives is their priority,
C-ome calamity or disaster day;
A-ll over the world as they are,
N-ew hopes unfold through the roles they play.

Time Flies Fast

'Time flies fast', we hear from many,
As the yearend draws near;
Truly so, for the end of the world
Is fast approaching every year.

Each Step That I Take

Short steps and strides
Make me do different paces;
Accelerated brisk walk and run
Make me leave the traces.

Remember The 22nd Dawn In December Morn

E-xtending my warm wishes
L-et me hope for your success
I-n all endeavors and activities;
Z-oom high into victory

I Will Remain

In my mind and spirit, I will be humble,
Obedient to the Lord's command;
I will let myself be held
By His long and loving hand.

Quest For Contentment

Meaningful life doesn't mean riches,
And wisdom or even fame,
Real happiness comes from
The inner peace that knows no shame.

Choose Your Goal

Comes a time when you want to do
the things you don't want to;
At that moment you shall find the need
to make a choice is knocking on you.

Close To The Bone

Criticism can cut close to the bone,
An area where sensitivity hides;
Make it rather close to the vest,
so squabble won't start from both sides.

Let The Wings Spread And Fly

M-ake your presence felt,
A-iming for huge success;
N-ever clip your wings
I-n the nook of hopelessness.

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