Bernice Lopez

Bernice Lopez Poems

Sometimes I feel like giving up on my goals,
my dreams.
I get frustrated, upset, to the point of giving up.
I mentally say to myself,

It's been a full day of grieving and reminiscing your perfection
As I look through pictures when you were at your prime
I remember your tail wag side to side
as you jumped up in joy while we sang your favorite song

Oh lonely tree, Oh lonely tree
You stand there all alone
In a woodland full of trees
Yet you still remain alone

At a very young age we are gifted
with the ability to believe in ourselves.
From the time we take our first step
To the time we speak our first word

The Best Poem Of Bernice Lopez

Find Your Why

Sometimes I feel like giving up on my goals,
my dreams.
I get frustrated, upset, to the point of giving up.
I mentally say to myself,
"I am done! "
"This is too much to handle."
"I'm tired! "
"Tired of things not happening on my time."
What is time?
Time is man-made, something that limits us.

Is what I keep telling myself.
"Have patience, everything will work itself out."
Oh patience, you're so far away.
As the days go by you get harder to grasp.
"Patience, where are you? "

"That's it I'm done,
I'm done! "
"Now what? "
"What do I do with my life? "
Happiness, success is what I'm seeking.

Living a life of hardship will no longer be in my path.
I've been exposed to the struggle since I was a child.
My amazing mother working hard to care for us.
Fatherless, because my dad left us to do it alone.
Living day to day barely surviving.
At times, with no electricity and being distressed over lack of food.
Everyday wishing my life was better.
Nice house, nice clothes, fancy cars.
"Oh, the good life."

Now as an adult, a mother, a wife
I'm sitting here on a pile of debt wishing I had a better life for my kids,
my family.
A nice house, nice clothes, nice cars.
I pause for a moment and I ask myself,
"Is that what I really want? "

As I think about it now, sounds more like a material life.
I was so young and simple-minded.
Assuming material things would bring pure happiness to my life.

I now realize life is more than that.
Life to me, is about being the best mother, wife, and the best person I can be.
Spreading love and knowledge to others.
Working on my passion, my life's work, and imprinting it to the world,
in hopes of adding value to others.

As I envision this life,
a warm feeling emerges in my heart and automatically I have a smile on my face again.
"Oh, the good life."

I feel motivated again!
Inspired again!
All these ideas are rushing through my head.
As I smile, I say to myself,
"I can do this! "
"I will do this! "
I will create that "good life."

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