Black Consciousness Poetry BCP

Black Consciousness Poetry BCP Poems

Our skin of gold, sham
shamans claim our skin
bleeds Wealth, Gospel to
our kith and kin who suffer

Your Smile is a force
that sway my sight.
My heart moves with
your rhythmic motion,

I no longer walk her beautiful
landscape, I am a prisoner
in my own homeland, stripped
off my heritage, my culture.

Black Zombies, spiritual bleached.
to be religious crucified on a ivory
Black bodies, biblical pages of unsung messiahs.

The Bird in the cage
tweet and tweedle, sings
of hope every morning.
With a broken spirit and

How proud I feel when I see you with your hair defiant of gravity, seeing you sing, is listening to voices coming from hundreds of years from our heros andsheroes who fell from the pinnacle of civilization, to the communicative spirituals of slaves yearning for freedom to the survival of our ancestors throughout the colonial era.

My story is so deep, infants drown in it!

Life is not what you have, it is what you can make out of
what you have, Life is what you live without an eraser,

Biological warfare
HIV, Ebola, H1N1
Swine tactics tactically hidden
In fables of Animal Farms

Hide the Young and the Old of our-nation!
They are opening the gates to death.
They are opening the gates to learning.


Some people are like trains, they
are loud and slow, Patient and
strong enough to carry many.
Some people are like trains they

Across the high-way road, there's
five hundred tin homes, where
sappers and their families
survive, so as to dig deep enough

For some time he's been
standing here, not far from
their bench, swallowing what
they spit, hidden in the dark,

Today, a Boy became a
Girl so as a Girl became
a Boy. A man became a
woman so as a woman became

Before the young
man left for the forlorn
grazing lands, the
old man called for

From the mouth of the Ghetto
Priest, the Ghetto speak. 'kanti
no Thixo ulapha' Steve Bantu Biko
meets Robert Mangaliso Sobukwe

Whiteness is the strongest
tides I'm swimming against,
so I peddling with all my mighty
only to drown, swallowing salty


Last night namajita, we saw a
man, whom we knew
begging for his life, on his knees
pleading for his wife and children.

The greatest holocaust of
your beautiful minds is not
documented nor will it be

Believe me I know
how much It hurts
you to wear that musk.
With a thick red lipstick,

Our humanity is
cosmic, spirituality
ciphered, Our body
language is coded,

Black Consciousness Poetry BCP Biography

'' Black Consciousness Poetry is a movement that was started by four young men who established themselves as arts. Through the art of poetry they came to a realization that they need to raise awareness on the injustices that continue to plague their people.'' Black Consciousness Poetry stands for: VALUES a.Awareness: Being an African who acknowledges that the journey for substantive equality is a long one. b.Self-love: Accepting who you are and what role you play as an African. c.Reparation: Providing assistance to those who have been disadvantaged by the system. d.Ubuntu: Encourage the spirit of inheriting the challenges of every African and making them your own. e.Bravery: Black Consciousness Poetry stands on the backbone of truth telling without fear of being labelled or challenged. f.The Woman: Embracing the African woman that raise the nation. VISION Ours is not to make you conscious, but to make you aware of your unconscious behavior. To promote a united Africa. For Africans not to settle and to challenge the status quo. To see them investing in our disadvantaged communities. The empowerment of women in our society. Doing it for African people, your people, our people… MISSION a.Through poetry we aim to raise awareness and awake the masses from theinjustices that still plague our people. b.To engage with students across all disciplines of study and to change their state of mind through poetry. c.To influence high school students through our poetry and the concept of academic excellence as a key to empowering the African people. d.To reunite every African with their history through truth teaching. THANK NOTES As a movement we would like to give thanks to the artists, who contributed to this collection of what we have come to term as Black Consciousnesss Poetry, The reason, revolt as a title suggest to a reader, a revelation of meaningful insights regarding the past and current events unfolding in the black world, then this collection attempt to highlight few elements that a general persons, especial Black persons in the world that is ant black and continues to manifest oppression in totality. it also safe to conclude that by the virtue of contributing to this collection these artists can be seen as Activist, who seek to see their communities, their people conscious of the unfolding events. We think it will be less fair if we don't acknowedge these Artists by names, below is a list and their short biographies. Brother H.F Swarts Hendrick Frans Swarts is a first born of five children of a single parent. He was born in South Africa, Gauteng, Vereeniging and raised in a township called Eatonside. He spent eighteen years of his life in Vereeniging and the surrounding townships before he left for the Western Cape, Cape Town to become a sailor in the SA Navy. HF Swarts is inspired by his upbringing and his family and the lived experience of people everywhere. Particularly the experiences of the marginalized, and those treated as minorities. He is passionate about life and living life motivated and inspired. Sister Lindokuhle Matina Lindokuhle Matina was born in Eastern Cape, in Port Elizabeth. As an Artist who regards herself as a black women, who is conscious of her unconsciousness, hence she refer to herself as a hypocrite, she has and still declare that her love and respect for her people, black people. Has heeded the call of artistic expression. In her artistry, she express truth the best way she knows how, all in the name of healing herself and the black community, she once said ''that healing sometimes surfaces uncomfortable contradictions within us in our mission to liberating ourselves. but in the end i genuinely believe it will all be worth it.'' Brother Sazi KaMzibeni Sazi KaMzibeni is from KwaZulu, in one of impoverished township call eMondlo, as many of his people was raised by a single parent, his beloved mother who manage to raise five children to fairly respectable adults. Sazi KaMzibeni's love for his people, black people. Has led him in a journey Activism and of different forms of Art expression, Art as being a voice to give meaningful critic and objectives on subject matters in a society, his writing is solely grouded on functionality and activism. Brother Mufasa Oliver Matemane known as Mufasa, was born on 15th January 1988, in the early 2013 after reading Biko “I Write what I like” and deeply interogating his lived experience and his condition as a black person living in South Africa, his thoughts were organized and shaped to seek freedom for his people. He later found his expression through poetry and ongoing dialogues held among black people in various grave yards misnamed as black communities or townships. He, together with others organized themselves as an organization that seek to give black Artist, the platform to address black people's condition. Today he ''stand proud to announce that he is a poet and co-founder of Black Consciousness poetry movement, which was founded in the year 2014.'' Oswald Kucherera Oswald Kucherera born in 1986 in Nyajena, the large village in Masvingo province near Great Zimbabwe. He later came to South Africa in 2009 after being retrenched from ZB bank, where was working as a Transactions Clerk. He had his poetry and short stories published by the National Library of South Africa, FunDza Literacy Trust and German journals. He is an author of the autobiographical novel 'The Exodus Down South' and a contributing writer for Science Stars Magazine. He is a human rights peer educator at Africa Unite, a stauch supporter of the struggle for freedom and independence for West Papua and a member of BCP. He writes to raise awareness on the issues of social injustices suffered by black people and also to keep our history alive. Brother Stacks Phumelela Mdingi his friends call him Stacks, he's a founding member of black consciousness poetry, he met his brothers whose poems are part of this collection, they met around 2014. Quoting Stacks: ''Back then they mainly focused on reciting poetry that was/is considered “conscious”, whatever that means''. he later proclaim " Latey I dont see the difference between “conscious” people and everybody else, it's all the same really''. Stacks is originally from the eastern cape, his mother is from eCentane and father is from eNgqamakwe. Quoting Stacks: ''Excuse me if I spell/pronounce those names wrong. I spent most of my adolecence in America, Baltimore Maryland and also in Prince Georges County.'' his mother is a nurse and she went there when he was a toddler and Stacks went to stay with her later on and came back to South Africa in 2011 and have been here since. His poetry is yours to consume and reject as you please, he hope you do feel something though. Quoting Stacks: ''This was supposed to be a short bio so I think I gave any key information you might need to know. Thank You'')

The Best Poem Of Black Consciousness Poetry BCP


Our skin of gold, sham
shamans claim our skin
bleeds Wealth, Gospel to
our kith and kin who suffer
from poverty of thought.
Through their hungry eyes.
We are a golden goose who lay
limps and arms, where do
we run to when our own family
have become hosts who prey
on our dying lamp.
we no longer glow in the dark
anymore, the burning fires in
our eyes have been smothered
by showers of tears, we no longer
fear the sun cause we now know
the night have many terrors and
Terrors have many of our nights.

|Suss KaMzibeni|

Black Consciousness Poetry BCP Comments

Presco kapesi 26 November 2017

I want poems in negritude poems

1 0 Reply

Black Consciousness Poetry BCP Quotes

Quote: ' We are quick to name, forgetting that sometimes words can imprison.' Quote: ' Privilege soon begets ignorance.' Quote: 'Some souls are the beacon, million beams of luminous, shining on our darkest hour, the struggle for our humanness.' Quote: 'Some of us, our reasoning is based on a book we are currently reading, as soon as we pick up the next, so as our reasoning goes(there's no constancy) , books are not really meant to form our thinking but to shape our thinking, books carry ideas(by other people) , this ideas, when we take them, we shouldn't be quick to act, we must allow them sink first(allow time to take its cause on them) , not all ideas are THE IDEA/S but some ideas are meant to take us to THE IDEA/S.' Quote: ' how I live is my Kulture and I won't defend my 'kulture', cause I think my kulture is old enough to defend itself.' Quote: 'There's no absolute perfect vanguard in the struggle, if there was we wouldn't be struggling.' Quote: ' My dream is my courage, my dream is my Azania, may I live to see her.' Quote: 'wake up, we are caught in a deadly storm, while you are dreaming of a Rainbow.' Quote: ' In the room full of idiots, the wise one is the dumb one.' Quote: ' today my people are like a sky, they are quite and blue.' Quote: ' Not to see colour is to be blind, in a society that is definitely monotonous painted.' Quote: ' I have no power but we have the power.' Quote: 'Sometimes we don't see those who stand with us, hence sometimes one needs not to be present to be seen.' Quote: 'This system is a joke, my people are dying daily it's not even funny.' Quote: 'Believe me I know how much it hurts you to wear that musk' Quote: ' The art of self love, its definitely a masterpiece we ought to master first before anything else.' Quote: ' Those journeying to consciousness ought to strive for righteousness, not just to be right.' Quote: ' I am, every black face you come across, I am us, Unity Symbol(US) .' Quote: 'As heavy as bricks your words, your apologies are a drop in the ocean blood of my forefathers, your crocodile tears won't quench my thirst to call my soul my own.' Quote: 'These days instead of addressing whiteness, we dress it well, kente Boeks over weaves, mother tongue fashioned over english accent.' Quote: 'When words mean something, poetry becomes your everything.' Quote: ' loss of life is death but 'The' death is loss of humanity, blackman you have died long before this day.' Quote: 'What poets and Feminists have in common is lonesomeness' Quote: 'Sometimes, if not always it's hard to imagine that there's people who do what can't be imagined' Quote: 'I know you, you the 'cancer' that killed Sobukwe, you the 'hunger' that killed Biko, I know you, you will no longer silence me.' Quote: 'we ought to invest more time on books more than prisoners do.' Quote: ''Black love it's an ability to feel beyond yourself' Quote: 'Mina nawe sizinyosi nezimbali zakha uju.' Quote: 'I have to find myself first before I find you.' Quote: 'She's a warrior Queen, she could bend a man's heart to her will.' Quote: 'a woman who proclaim not to court broke man, often ends up courting a wealthy broken man.' Quote: 'Don't bother to tell me about what you did, but tell me about what we can do.' Quote: 'Thirsty for knowledge, drink from the elder's wisdom.' Quote: 'Yes, she's a Queen, study her heart.' Quote: 'As one attains the knowledge of self, one's consciousness is gradual sharpened and shaped, In a journey to consciousness the only thing constant is change ' Quote: 'I don't trust black women, who wear make-up cause they are in disguise, they appear not to be themselves but made-up as a lie.' Quote: 'My dear Brothers and Sisters, my legacy will serve no purpose to you, if it's told by them.' Quote: 'Our broken hearts like ship wreckage don't sink but they afloat to the shores for mend.' Quote: 'Naïve is to expect everyone to live up to your expectations.' Quote: 'Revolutionaries betray the revolution, when they become ungrateful.' Quote: 'For every picture taken there's a precious moment lost.' Quote: 'The introduction of Black consciousness on mass scale remains undoubtedly the foundation of any revolutionary occurrence.' AfrOdara Womanhood: 'The unity of women that gives rise to the essence of Power, of love of life, nature and nurturing of the nation.' Quote: AfrOdara, call for the black sisters to journey with their dear brothers side by side to the ultimate liberation, the attainment of the envision self, the free self. Quote: 'We shall have our Souls. we shall have them, or South africa will be levelled by our attempts to gain them.' Quote: 'These cities were built over dead black bodies, unmarked graves and shallow graves, the day the sleeping giants awake they shall crumble down, for anew Azania' Quote: 'Once your eyes are open then you will see that you and I, we are one and the other is a lie' Quote: 'WE, the darker Nation, we are the light of the world.' Quote: 'The old is not dead and the new is not yet born, we live in borrowed times.' Quote: 'I have been a sleep walker since the day my parents bought a television.' Quote: 'Freedom comes when we realize that it is against our interests, as a self-determining black community to point out the 'good' elements in an oppressive structure.' Quote: 'In an age where believes are the police, that Police our thoughts then the youth of this day is bound to say, FUCK the Police.' Quote: 'We'll feel love and be loved, when we come together' Quote: 'Life is beautiful and colourful when you go out and live it, to us who stay-in and ponder on life, will come to see it as dull and as miserable.' Quote: 'To be or not to be one's Father, its what leads one to manhood.' Quote: 'Listen to your heart, really listen to your Heart, you might heart the voice of creator' Quote: 'Black woman you have be able to Love, what's has been deemed unloveable the black man.' Quote: 'Respect the elders, you will earn the respect of your peers.'

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