Brandie .....

Brandie ..... Poems

You look so much alike, but yet so different inside,
one is friendly, nice and sweet,
but the other is stubborn and mean,
dad stays strong to make ends meet,

On that terrible day, I still can never forget,
All of the horrible thoughts, running through my head,
Ow my god, is he alive or is he dead,


Standing in head high water,
Trying to keep my head held high,
Trying to catch my breath now,
with nobody in sight.

On a dark night, to some it can be a fright,
kids that are walking threw alleys, valleys and streets,
they quickly disappear, you can hear their heart beats,
pounding in so much fear, that not even one person can bare,

Love is when you walk hand in hand, share secrets whenever you can,
tell the truth, never a lie, and you walk side by side,
hold each other when your sad, hate each other when your mad,
understand whatever it is you can,

A mother, a hardworking mother,
she carries a baby on her back, and another in her hands,
walking down the street children point and laugh,
staring at them like they are dirty trash,

I look outside for one last glance,
at the big blue sky with stars so bright,
looking for a dream to come true, I see a shooting star vanish into the moon,
quick make a wish, your dream will come true,

Confidence will get you a long way in life,
It can help you get through the struggles and fights,
as long as you believe in yourself,
you'll get through anything.

Baby your always telling me what to do,
your always telling me what I can and can't do,
you tell me I'm not the kind of girl,
who can fulfill my dreams like I've always wanted to,


A home is a place where family is their,
where your always loved, and cared,
Where you never feel out of place,
And your never scared,

Two towers that stand so tall,
made of three sections,
that just fall,
threw the fire and flames,

The colors of our flag are blue and red,
red stands for the blood military soldiers shed,
blue is for the stars that shine so bright,
for each of those soldiers who may have died.

Run, dribble, pass, shoot,
make the score, shoot at the hoop,
know what team really means, their is no I,
either win or loose, no matter what happens, at least you did it as a TEAM!


Moms are someone you look up to,
you respect and love them as they do you,
they brought you in this world and can take you right back out,
but they won't because your here now...


Dads can be a pain in the butt, but you'll never want to leave when you grow up,
you'll miss those days, when you were a kid,
and got to play and sit on their laps,
you'll miss kissing them good night, and they'll miss you holding you tight,

God created this world, the trees the grass, the ground we stand on,
he made us, people, humans,
everything you see on earth was created by god himself,
the light in your eyes, the hair on your head,

Music is the sounds you hear,
when you get that feeling of dancing, singing or just rocking out,
some music is soft, some are loud,
some are country, some are rap,


If a boy wants you in his life,
he'll find a way to put you there,
if he really loves you,
he'll say it everyday,


The light in our eyes, will soon fade away,
The hair on our head, will surely go away,
The ones we love, will soon be gone,
The ones that love us, will soon be broken,

A heart of gold is a heart with peace, love, happiness and helpfulness,
someone who has a heart of gold will try to do anything for anyone,
at any time or any day,

Brandie ..... Biography

All of my poems come from my heart. I use personal experiences and others in my words. I write music and stories also. School is the most important thing in my life. I believe in a great education and hard work. My family is my importance in my life also. I try to do everything in my power to try to help everyone and everything. These are the people that motivate me and give me great confidence.)

The Best Poem Of Brandie .....

Like Father Like Daughter

You look so much alike, but yet so different inside,
one is friendly, nice and sweet,
but the other is stubborn and mean,
dad stays strong to make ends meet,
daughter just stares, she's just trying to be their,
but in the end, their so much alike,
their father and daughter, no matter how much they try to deny it.

Brandie ..... Comments

Hebert Logerie Sr. 18 April 2009

Keep up the good work. Education is the door to a successful life.May God bless you.

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