Bri Edwards Poems

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In the Northern Hemisphere temperatures were soaring,
and people, with NO relief in sight, ....'Pool CLOSED' signs....
were ignoring.
A cook was sweating, frying eggs on sidewalk, but she was....

Lilting Limericks To Help Me Pass Some Time

1 - Our Dad

Introductory Poem:

Poems From PH Poets Of The Indian Subcontinent

Eve sees Ed.
Eve 'eyes' Ed.
Eve's wet.
Ed's wet.

Old Woodsy was a 'man about town',
pickin' UP litter. Yes, not pickin' it DOWN!
He carried a bright....PINK...burlap sack,
which he hung, by a string, acrost** his BACK-


The illicit drug dealer had just made a big cash sale score,
but his usual messenger had quit and walked out the door.
So the dealer turned to his cousin who was trustworthy but not smart.....,
saying 'Ned, take this bag of money to 10 Front St. Ask for Mark.'

This time of year Ghosts and Ghouls abound;
the closer Halloween comes, the more G's are found.
So careful where you go by yourself at night.
If you're with ‘friends', maybe the G's, ‘them', will bite,

One lonely, dark, and rainy night,
I picked my way out for a bite.
A bite to eat, I mean to say,
‘cause I was single for a many a day …

Out Our Window On A Breezy Evening....[short; Nature]

The sun has finally settled behind the nearby Belmont hills,
but its lingering light, the evening sky, with blue pastel fills.
Our star has warmed another San Carlos April day,
and now westward it recedes, as outside calls a jay.

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