Brian Murphy Poems

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43rd Street

As I gaze upon the towering building,
suddenly it’s as if I’m looking down from it’s ledge.

My legs turn numb and it’s as if gravity is pulling me into a lean,

Anything And Everyone

I awoke to a muted television,
With the sun setting it must have been at least seven o’clock
My left arm had fallen numb during my sleep,
I knew it was there yet the sensation trigged a strong response.


Out of the darkness we crawl
Sluggish and out of breath
Born again to join the constant herd
A world around seems still as a new journey begins

Burning Out

A smothered flame struggles to ignite
Repressed, starved for strength
Darkness floods, searching out, drowning
The embers glow, fading then surging forth

Night And Day

She wakes
She looks around
She feels intrusive thoughts
She stares through the window


Without me there can be no you.

I ask for balance, you take all,


The cold tile against my cheek,
Steam floating, caressing my back and arm
Simple and alone
I lay, naked and breathing shallow

Suddenly Awake

I burst out of bed as though I had awoken during surgery
I glanced at my clock only to notice that my sleep had lasted 4 hours
I drank last night, I drank a lot
I always panic after I had been drinking

Upstate Window Seat

The cold nylon cushion numbs my bare legs
A soothing autumn breeze pushes through the screen
The smell of burning wood fills my head with a sultry musk
Yet the purple horizon seems unusually flat and drawn back

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