I promised not to get close
And broke my promise
You said you’d love me forever
You broke your promise
have you ever cried so hard
that you were gasping for air
your chest hurt
and your eyes were sore
to the memories you'll always keep
like the countless sleepovers you couldn't sleep
the talks that never seemed to end
the inside jokes made with friends
is it possible to change the world?
to leave an impact?
to alter one persons perspective on life?
its sad when you're numb
numb to a feeling
its sad its just the motion
with no passion or emotion
Pushing together
And feeling whole
Breathing as one
Mind, body and soul
Feeling the energy rush through my skin
Wanting my soul to escape from within
Clenching my fist i just want to scream
Feeling so powerful almost like in a dream
i'm from hampton beach in new hampshire. i've been writing my poems since i was about 12. i love to write because i think its a great way to express yourself and its a hobby of mine that i really enjoy doing.)
What Really Hurts
i never hurt you
i always tried
i loved you
but you hurt me
you never tried
don’t you dare say you loved me
you told me to leave
and so I left
but I gave you one more try
and as always
i’m biting my lip trying not to cry
and it doesn’t matter to you
but I was your daughter
and I still cared about you
but now I feel nothing towards you
and what really hurts
is that I didn’t choose to have you
you chose to have me
well you messed up
so now in your life
i never happened
now in your head
i’m a person that doesn’t exist
i’m just a sad daughter
who’s hurt
and motherless