Bryan Corbett

Bryan Corbett Poems

you know Ali and Foreman and Dempsey and Tyson
Louis and Frazier, Sugar Ray and Johnson
but do you recall?
the most famous boxer of all?

Stephen King doesn't scare me.
The Boogeyman Man doesn't scare me.
Heights don't scare me.
Prison doesn't scare me.

I ate green eggs in the morning
I ate green eggs at night
I ate green eggs in the afternoon
It made me feel all right

before these words
this page was blank

before these words

i was so brilliant when i was younger
just ask me
well, except for that one time
that i stuck my finger into the fan

the lights were flashing brilliantly
blinding me as such
the music was deafening
pounding relentlessly

50 minutes
no more, no less
to plead my case
that I'm not a mess

poems can be silly
poems can be fun
poems can be dangerous
outrageous and blunt

you hand the cashier twenty
to pay for a pack of gum

she gives you change back for $100

when I was a child
I always hated
the soft packages
under the tree

I told you I was going
on a McDonald's run
three times
I asked you

stranded on an island
civilization so close
yet so far

Soap Opera (episode #1)
'Hudson Fowler IV'

Hudson Fowler sat with his feet up on the desk

Soap Opera (episode #2)
'Crashing The Party'

on a typical on Saturday morning

Soap Opera (episode #3)
'Flashing Lights: Red and Blue'

the flashing lights of police cars bounced off

Soap Opera (episode #4)

while Frank Storm was in room 403

The Best Poem Of Bryan Corbett

Rocky The Red-Nosed Boxer

you know Ali and Foreman and Dempsey and Tyson
Louis and Frazier, Sugar Ray and Johnson
but do you recall?
the most famous boxer of all?

Rocky the red-nosed boxer
had a very bloody nose
and if you ever saw it
you would even say it glows

all of the other boxers
used to laugh at his runny snout
they never let poor Rocky
contend in any title bouts

then one foggy Christmas eve
Don King came to say:
'Rocky with your nose so ripe
won't you take a dive tonight? '

then all the boxers loved him
because he wouldn't take a knee
Rocky, the red-nosed boxer,
you'll go down in Fistory!

(Boxing Day - Get It?)

Bryan Corbett Comments

amelia gentile 08 May 2022

i need some background info on author for school project can anyone help

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