Cameron Gallant Poems

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The Dead Man Limerick

There once was a man who was dead
Who could not understand what we said
We wanted to play
But he lay there all day

My Laugh Is My Cry

I may laugh at your jokes
But I turn away and desperately I search
For a way out of your harsh cruel grasp
Your disrespectful demeanor and temper-driven wrath

In Our Hearts

The war that holds in all our hearts
That stayed so long and caused the dark
The war that caused our men to die
Though proxy to a larger crime

Dark And Stormy Night

It was a dark and stormy night,
With the thunder bolts and the light,
And the wind gushing past the house,
The street light flickered, then went out.

And Nothing More

Poems are random words
Random papers sticking out of random drawers
And they’re the scribbles of a bunch of random people’s souls
And nothing more


I was so bored
I fell asleep and snored
Abruptly I yelled “YAOOO! ”
And I am very angry now

Antecedent To The Night

The hanging peace orb is gone; veiled by impervious haze.
Fumes of powder move through a still breeze.
Brave at heart, strewn, lie; their fate disclosed.
Nitrous oxide seduces some lucky few left to die.

Implore For Sanity

War is a human thing and nothing else
only with humans do two fronts slaughter each other for esteem or shiny mineral
only with humans do very brothers maim and strike each other for glory of their cause
only with humans do old men dream, while young men die

Hail Oregon.

The sun was hot iron to the eye
The moon was veiled come the impervious night
The lone howl of a lone coyote cried
The group of men huddled closer to their cackling fire

Of Only A Few

What do you see, when you look at that woman who has no money to feed
The children she cares about, the children she loves. Do you see what I see?
I see a confused and messed up society, we need to get our principles straight
Isn’t the woman out on the streets, a bit more worthy of food then the people we’ve chained who’ve shot their husbands or kidnapped children to rape?

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