Michael Shepherd Christmas Poems

! On Not Sending Christmas Cards

Dear Friends –
for friends you are, and friends
you will remain –

Christmas - A Despatch From The Battlefield Of The Heart

Christmas is a-comin’ – but
this goose is gettin’ thin…

why do I feel I’m in the dock

! The Week Between Christmas And New Year

These are the strange and dull and heavy days
(in the Northern Hemisphere at least –
we seldom spare a thought for what ordeal
our brothers and sisters, basking in the summer sun

0016 Christmas Rose - A Spell

Blown rose, wild, white,
thrown by snowflaked winter wind;
summer’s tender scent, intense,
dispersed; no mercy; beauty, blind…

! To William Blake, Poet, At Christmas

Through the tears
soon breaks a smile;
See God's Grace
here in a Child.

! The Watchman Of Dark Christmas Night

The brazier’s glowing coals lit up his eyes.
I asked the watchman as he guarded time:
tell me, watchman, of the truth of Night..

! Christmas Butterfly

Perhaps it had arrived undercover
between the rich dark green leaves
of the organic cabbage which from
the huge holes in its tough outer leaves

! ! Give Her One This Christmas

How could I not know
‘what she wants for Christmas’ –
when hundreds of emails
spam it to me every Advent day,

0007 Christmas At Guantanamo Bay

and yeah, I ate too much
but this dream
a guy in a red suit
came from a nowhere sorta somewhere

0019 An Intrusive Thought In The Bathroom At Christmas

We control freaks like to feel
we have our thoughts in some sort
of order; though yes, we like to have
spontaneous feelings, it shows

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