O' wise man sage, pray tell, what do you see?
With eyes as dark as ebony or blackest coals,
Save me as I fall, clasp my hand, give me breath,
Be there in my wakesome hours till I drift,
My eyes are merely a looking glass,
Peer to their depths, do you see my soul flicker?
I am but a miniscule speck of dust in a wondrous universe,
With clouds made of diamonds and rivers of ice, stones of pearl,
Cariad, beloved and friend, you have inspired and captured me,
My heart fell, nay danced, lightly into your minds web,
My eyes fell gently upon this verdant, fertile place
Mountain islands floating in morning mist
Hazing from green and golds, the reds and grey
Glass-like ice pon the surface of blue
Facets of a once copious mind reeling
Although un-defined, thoughts distorted
They say I am nowt but dust, nay, I am so very alive!
Mere particles of stuck together dirt,
Dancing, silent, upon salient winding breeze,
Spring sun, warm and mellowing on horizon,
Textured like diamonds, emeralds and onyx embedded into rugged slate,
Alive, steadily but invisibly growing at immeasurable rate,
When birds take to the sky, and the northern breeze arrives,
I shall know that soon, very soon my time will come,
There were days, I recall, where I wished myself away,
Sat upon the stairs, aware of the shouts,
I tiptoe amidst this magnificence of blue,
A regal carpet stretching far and wide,
Treat me as your chattle no more,
For tis I alone that owns you,
A Lover's Hymn
My friend, I call to you, my heart,
My very being, my all,
In my mind, there is a void,
A space retained just for you and I,
A secret memory chamber,
To store all our precious moments,
So I'll remember once I'm old.
My darling, I sing to you,
For you are my life, my very world,
In my heart there is a tune for us,
Encircling a space where my love for you,
Is so very strong,
It beats wildly to a tune that overwhelms,
Dancing off into the sunset, of all romantic realms.
I will cry tears with you and for you,
My soul, is forever yours,
In my body there's a part of me,
Where my flesh, my spirit bonded with you,
I fear the day I will feel loss,
My mind, my heart, everything,
My adoration and respect for you too.
I smile a smile of angels,
My cheeks dimple as I grin,
My whole being so full of warmth,
Yearning, and loves song, makes my lips quivver,
My spirit starts to shout and sing,
Come hither! Come hither!
My smile, my eyes, my lips are true my love.
I have a whisper of a kiss for you,
A tender hymn of a kiss,
Sweet such as that of nectar, gentle, caressing,
Devoid of guilty pleasures,
It's wrapped up and sealed with honeyed bliss,
It speaks volumes, uttering eternity,
My entirety yours, and given quite earnestly.