Cora Lee

Cora Lee Poems

Starting to drown in her fake personality,
Try to stay afloat, but she snaps back to reality.
Lipgloss, mirrors, designer clothes.
Everyday she has to be on her toes.

Unleash the beast, yeah drink it down,
black and green, is it love finaly found?
No, just an energy drink,
light and sicky sweet.

Why do I bother putting make-up on
this beautifly broken face?
My shattered soul has taken its toll,
on this put-back-together place.

Sushh, little children,
do not let them hear.

Back away from the fire,

my friend my friend,
seems like forever my friend.
Since I've layed your cold steel on my arm.
My friend is your friend,

Beat against my body,
pound threw my heart
feels like it could never stop
common now, turn it up.

Will you loose your sence of fear,
could you shead another tear?
Is it possible to let her see,
exacatly how much you care for me?

Loaded with passion.
The thrill of hate.
Maddened by nature.
Death is your fate.

She had strings tied around her limbs, which bound her limp body to her surroundings.
Unable to move or make decisions, she begged to find an escape.
She screamed and pleaded but all she got were frightened stares and hurried whispers,
In odd angles, she was tangled in the strings that held her down.

To the water im to go
ocean sways so deep
as i try to stay afloat
still i start to weep

Can't believe I did it.
Usually I can beat it.
Tonight was the point where I break.
Talking to you,

Fantasies and dreams collide with reality,
she remembers the person she'll never be.
His words as the soundtrack of her memories,
will always replay, always forgetting her pleas.

He drinks it up, yeah he'll feel the liquor.
Drink some more, so it'll be quicker.
Never to miss the flow of cold relief,
will cure the pain, or so he believes.

Suddenly I stop breathing,
suddenly my heart starts beating;
Faster. Faster.
Suddenly I stop thinking,

This life may seem to short for hope,
as we lie awake every night.
While if we sleep our dreams do speak,
of failure by the rope.

Rocks hit hard, your words hurt more
you rise from your chair,
walk towards the door.
I feel my head start to pound,

Why fill our hearts with such desires,
to cause them pain tomorrow
apon which we will feel the sorrow
and turn to another day to expire.

Wash me up in tomorrows sorrows,
leave me be, let me suffer
never forget the aimless wonder
of your wasted time.

Words in my head that you can't understand,
unable to comprehend, I will fall in the end.
You will try to catch me but since you can't understand,
you'll just let me fall, over and over again.

Cora Lee Biography

Well Im young...and I write- a lot. And I'm just going to say, all my poems have meaning (Like all good and bad writing should) and sometimes you have to dig deep to figure it out. Which is good, because it's not a free ride. Just like life, it's never a free ride. You have to find meaning to love it, to live it. If not, your lost....thats why I love to write, to make some think (Including me, I often write a poem and then have to figure it out myself after) and make others go crazy. Another thing too, some people have said my rhyming is sketchy but it would be boreing to rhyme the same way over and over again, right? So I play around and make it choppy, that's kindda' my intent.That's what I'm about. That is poetry.)

The Best Poem Of Cora Lee

A Fake Lifestyle Kills The Perfect Girl

Starting to drown in her fake personality,
Try to stay afloat, but she snaps back to reality.
Lipgloss, mirrors, designer clothes.
Everyday she has to be on her toes.
Shopping, smoothies, guys galore.
Learning to fit in, yet still wanting more.
One little slip, and your starting to fall,
acting less like a human, and more like a doll.
Wanting the attention, and all of the wealth.
But to achieve this, she couldn't be herself.
As she starts to drown in her fake personality,
she wonders if she wants this that badly.
Lipgloss, mirrors, and designer clothes,
she looks for a way to end this all.

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