When I was a child
and had no shame
and no worries
We would sit by the moonlight
Godwin was a slave
He never had a father or mother that loved him dearly
They died when he was a baby
He never had a birth certificate
Dear Sidney,
The first day I saw you
I was star strucked
Don't know how to tell you this
My guardian angel
You are the gifts of the Holy spirit
You are gentle
You do not dine nor wine with troubles
Wishes were horses
I would stay up late in bed
And have the world done it for me
The sun shines brightly
more than the beams of light
It shines lightening up rough corners for us to see the sharp edges
It lights the path
We are the prides of Barbados
Tempted though yet unbeguild
We who saw our feet buried under the fires of the African sun when the flames of stormy blast
Unselfishly, you left your fathers and your mothers,
You left behind your sisters and your brothers.
Leaving your beloved children and wives,
You put on hold your dreams - your lives.
Dear lord,
hear this soulful cry.
My knees are planted under the clouds of tear drops,
Through your tender love and care laid with mercy
Before the exchange of the marriage vows,
on that faithful day when the clouds above the mountains were tainted beautifully with colours of pomegranate
My dad took me in secretly and sat me down on the dinning stool