David KUSH

David KUSH Poems

Sometimes you have to lose to win
You lose a love but gain a friend
Oh, how lucky I have been
For love can be lost, but friendships

There are times you have to look beyond the hurt
To find the true meaning of what has happened
For sometimes true love has to hurt
Because if it didn't hurt to let go

Somethings in life
Are given to us
Just to be taken away
A life, friend or a love

We all seek
The meaning
To life
When we should be

The greatest man
I ever knew
Never wore a pair
Of shoe's

I can't hardly
Wait for
So I can

Only God
The end
To your


I did

Will you wait for me in heaven
If you go before I do
Will the words that were said
I've always loved you

Teardrops from heaven
Are what makes the flowers grow
This their gift to all of us, who are left here below
Tears of gladness, not of sadness, are what they are indeed

Seems that the words never spoken
Are the ones we remember most
For they are the words we wanted to say
To someone we held so very close

The words I write
Are just whispers in the wind
Coming home to greet me
Like an old friend

Puts a veil over your eyes
When that veil is lifted
May the person underneath

Where is the
In goodbye
Most of the

The day I
Was born
I was given

Birthdays are
Gift from God
Truly do

Life from the other side
Of the window
Oh isn't it

Tell me
How to forget you
And I will
Right away

David KUSH Biography

If you are looking for perfection Don't look here For I write by no rule But what is in the heart Right or wrong it is what it is The world the way I look at it For we all look And all see something different Give it a try for a breath of fresh air I do not sit down and write I hear or see something that sets off the words that I write from where I do not know)

The Best Poem Of David KUSH

Lose To Win

Sometimes you have to lose to win
You lose a love but gain a friend
Oh, how lucky I have been
For love can be lost, but friendships
Need never end
So when in life when you least expect it
A friendship thought lost is resurrected
Out of the blue so unexpected
Just when you needed them most
One all is said And done
I guess I
Really won
After all

David KUSH Comments

Wayne Bowen 08 January 2010

enjoyed your poems. keep it up...wayne

4 2 Reply
loNeLY AnGel 15 April 2010

your an amazing writer.. i love your poems..

2 3 Reply
Hope Anonymous 28 June 2010

Yes he is an amazing poet. Just by reading the first 6 poems I learned something. I can't wait to read the rest when I get the time to :)

1 3 Reply
Kumarmani Mahakul 22 August 2019

David Kush is a very nice and poet of excellent quality. I know him and I love reading his poems. With deep philosophic essence he represents the beautiful perception of his and readers love his style of expression. His poems on life, nature, society, and other fields are definitely gems of the world literary society. He will definitely live for long times in the hearts of readers. I am wishing him all the best for his perseverance. May God bring unlimited happiness for him!

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Kumarmani Mahakul 22 December 2018

On behalf of all fellow poets in Poem Hunter family and our Mahakul family we offer a title of honour to poet David Dale Kush from South Bend, Indiana, United States as, 'Crowned Certainty.' This title is offered to him due to his long time perseverance and his valuable contribution to the world literature. From today onward he will be known as, 'Crowned Certainty David Dale Kush.' We hope all poets, visitors and people will like this.

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Kumarmani Mahakul 22 December 2018

On behalf of all fellow poets in Poem Hunter family and our Mahakul family we offer a title of honour to poet David Kush from South Bend, Indiana as, 'Crowned Certainty.' This title is offered to him due to his long time perseverance and his valuable contribution to the world literature. From today onward he will be known as, 'Crowned Certainty David Kush.' We hope all poets, visitors and people will like this.

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nice poems. you are great in showing feels.that shows a good improvement. i invite you to read my poems at my poets page. that is a friendly invitation

0 2 Reply
Casandra Carpenter 15 May 2011

after i read some of your poems you are now my favorite poet! ! ! ! i love your work. :)

1 3 Reply

David KUSH Quotes

Sometime we live a dream While other times We dream to live

All answers have questions But All questions don't have Answers

If I didn't believe Tomorrow could be The game changer I would of given up Yesterday

Depression is The real person you are Is locked inside the person You're not Fighting like hell To get out To live life Again

No matter how old I get The past doesn't Get any Farther away

I woke up his Morning And thanked God I'm alive But I just Realized How can I Be sure For I have never Been dead Or am I

Some people See as What we Were Not who we Are

In taking Years To learn life's Secrets I'm now to Old To use Them

Since I can't Run As fast I Use too My age seems To be catching Up to me These days

Grandkids Grandkids make few so damn young When you're so damn old

To love You first must Love yourself If you want Others to Love you For if you can't Who can

In this world you can either Be An ass Or an Asset Your choice

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