David Mitchell Poems

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Les Quatre Saisons - The Four Seasons

Le printemps — la saison quand l'agréable tiédeur
Recommence, apportant avec lui son bonheur,


The stars adorn the heaven at night,
They beautify with gleaming light
The sky of dismal hue;
They shiver in the icy cold,

There Is A God

That is what I firmly believe.
I understand that some people find it hard to believe in God.
So do we all, at times.
We are human beings.

An Heroic Poem In Praise Of Coffee

Hail, magical and awe-inspiring bean,
Salvation of the fat and of the lean,
Blest refuge in this wretched vale of tears,
Inspiriting the ever-rolling years;

Why Is A Poet?

It is the part of the poet
To tell his readers
What they already know
and know they know

Death And Life

If what follows this life
Is a heaven without suffering,
Where the recollection of past suffering
Does not induce present suffering;

The Swan

Slender, swimming, silent swan!
How gracefully you glide along!
Your coat of white, purer than snow;
You see, with lofty eyes, to grow


The shining summer ages, dwindles, dies;
The heat turns to the cold.
The former azure hue of yonder skies
Is hardly to behold:

A Dark Poem

As languidly my feet plod home,
My thoughts the universe o'er-roam;
The silent stillness still inspires
A muteness of Cimmerian choirs

Deep Thought

We exist: of that no sane person does doubt,
Although there may pseudophilosophers be,

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