Dawn Slanker

Dawn Slanker Poems

Cupid Wears A Mask

Angelic cherub
with face so devin.

Nature's Love Song

Aurora's ballad wakes the sleeping Sun
and lulls the Moon to fade and sleep by light;

Relentless, Ravenous
Constructing, Evolving, Emerging
Wondrous gift of nature

For those unfamiliar with the 'trigee' form...you read the left half, then the right half, then follow the dots read the two halves together as a whole. It's 3 poems in one. The trick is that each of the 3 parts should be able to stand alone as a poem.

The Trigee form was created by TD Euwaite, founder of poetsofmars.com

My husband calls this my feminazi poem. I guess that means he doesn't like it much...hehehe. I'm really not a feminazi...I was just having a bad day when I wrote it.


In God's garden canvas

In God's garden canvas, I am the brush;
each stroke deliberate...I never rush.

Pantoums are composed entirely of quatrains. There is no restriction on the number of quatrains, but each quatrain must follow the rhyme scheme abab within itself. The characteristic feature of a pantoum, however, is its repetition. The first and third lines of every stanza (except the first stanza) are identical to the second and fourth lines of the previous stanza. For the final line, there is an additional rule: the second and fourth lines must be the same as the first and third lines from the first stanza. Thus the overall pattern of lines in a five-quatrain pantoum would be as follows:

Stanza #1: 1 2 3 4
Stanza #2: 2 5 4 6

'The monotetra consists of any number of stanzas of four lines each. Each stanza contains a monorhyme, so that the pattern of the stanzas would be “aaaa bbbb cccc” and so on… this is where the “mono” in the name of the form comes in. The “tetra” in the name of the form is because each line of each stanza is written in tetrameter... The other aspect of the monotetra is that the fourth line of each stanza is a repeating four-syllable phrase...' http: //forums.mosaicmusings.net/index.php? showtopic=253

Earthbound Angel
(an elegy for a lovely poet and friend)

Old Love

What love means to me is
a partnership of trust,

The luc bat is a Vietnamese form of poetry. It means simply 'six eight' due to its pattern of syllables per line: 6,8,6,8,6,8, etc. It can be as long or as short as you'd like, but what really makes this form interesting is the rhyming structure in which the sixth syllable of every eight-syllable line rhymes with the last syllable of the six-syllable line before it, which in turn rhymes with the eighth syllable of the eight-syllable line before it. When the end of the poem is reached, the last line jumps back and rhymes with the first. In other words, the syllables go like this:

* * * * * a
* * * * * a * b

Poetic Vice

Scribble, dribble, wriggle, wretch
there he sits upon his bench

Written in response to a lot of hate filled propaganda about America and Americans in general. I may not like what is happening, but I am proud to be an American and I'm tired of all the hate. I don't mean to offend anyone, this is just my feelings on the matter.

America's Perspective

My Undecided Muse

My muse, she is a fickle bird
her songs stretch far and wide.

The rondeau is a three-stanza poem consisting of approximately ten to fifteen lines total, generally with either eight syllables per line or ten. Its distinctive features are the use of only two rhymes throughout the entire poem and a half-line refrain which begins the first stanza's first line and forms the entirety of the second and third stanza's last lines. The rhyme scheme varies with the number of lines. A typical rhyme scheme for a fifteen-line rondeau is aabba aabC aabbaC, where C represents the first half of the rondeau's first line. The refrain does not rhyme with anything else in the poem.

Spirited from the Guf

A quatern has four stanzas, each of which has four lines. Each line contains eight syllables. It does not have to rhyme, but it does follow a specific pattern of line repetition: the first stanza's first line is repeated as the second stanza's second line, the third stanza's third, and the final stanza's fourth.


My Muse Hates Me.

I look...
In this blank screen,

In The Garden

Upon Spring's birth, Winter's death.
Seeds and eggs and babes abound.

I wrote this in response to a challenge to take a popular nursery rhyme and make it as technical as possible while keeping it poetic. Anyhow, this was my solution. However, I was sad to find out that this nursery rhyme had already been done and is quite well known. Regardless, it was still loads of fun to write...you should try one :)

(My Version)
Scintillate, scintillate miniscule self-luminous celestial quintessence

The Partenza Represa is an original form created by Dawn Slanker. It contains any number of four line stanzas which can rhyme or not rhyme depending on preference. The most important features of this form is that it maintains a strict syllable line count of your choosing: 8*6*8*6,8*8*8*8,10*10*10*10...etc. And, each line must begin (anywhere you like) with the last portion of the line before it. Also, it's important to point out that you have the option of either continuing the first line of each stanza with a refrain from the line before it or you may choose to begin an entirely new line for each stanza. (Try one, I think you'll like it :)

A Celestial Affair

A Partenza Represa ©2008 is a form original to this poem. It just seemed to develope as I was writing and with the help of a talented friend, I was able to tighten up the form and improve the flow. The Partenza Represa contains any number of four line stanzas which can rhyme or not rhyme depending on preference. The most important features of this form is that it maintains a strict syllable line count of your choosing: 8*6*8*6,8*8*8*8,10*10*10*10...etc. And, each line must begin (anywhere you like) with the last portion of the line before it. Also, it's important to point out that you can either continue the beginning of each stanza with a refrain or you may choose to begin a new line. Let me know if you like it...or don't :)

Original version: This one was for when my little one entered preschool. (some have mentioned that they prefer this one) Would you mind telling me which you refer?

Dawn Slanker Biography

Sptfyr sculptor of people molded in clay. painter and poet with something to say. teacher by occupation, student of art, favoring creativity born from the heart. yearns for inspiration from an undecided muse, reaching and searching for anything to use. I have a wonderful husband and two beautiful boys whom I love very much. I also have 3 dogs (boxer/pit, dobie, boxer) ,2 cats, and 16 fish. I have a BA in English, a BA in Psych, and a minor in Art. I love to garden and I'm an avid collector of roses both real and painted. I love everything Artsy and poetry is no exception. I enjoy writing all forms of poetry and experimenting with various poetic devices. However, Although I enjoy free verse, I especially love structured poetry and have been challenging myself by working down a list of structured forms. I have learned so much about writing poetry and all it's nuances from this exercise alone. I'm a firm believer that there is a distinct difference between prose and poetry and that poetry must contain some form of poetic device in order to be called poetry. Mostly, I just love words and playing with words so don't be surprised if you see something a bit funky from time to time. Thanks for taking the time to ready my bio. Peace and Happiness to all.)

The Best Poem Of Dawn Slanker

Cupid Wears A Mask

Cupid Wears A Mask

Angelic cherub
with face so devin.
Plump dimpled cheeks,
flushed roses and wine

Smooth satin locks
gold, flaxen curls.
lusterous wings
favoring mother of pearl

You float through our lives
piercing with darts
desolate sadness
percieved in our hearts.

You fill us with warmth,
with love, and with joy,
but sometimes I wonder
If we're only your toy.

It seems that's a mask
you wear o'er your face.
Are there horns under there?
Is your facade a disgrace?

For the love you bestow,
does soon fade away.
do you do this on purpose,
is this a game that you play?

In love and then out.
You stab at our hearts
you mess up our lives
with your mischevious art.

You malicious little Imp
Have you nothing better to do?
Can't you for once,
aim straight and aim true?

©2008 Dawn Slanker

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