Hit Title Date Added
In The Dark...

In the dark I stand alone
In the dark I think this is my home

I think of you in the dark

A Broken Heart Speaks Love

A broken heart speaks love in every shattered shard,
but the pieces of my heart speak out to you,
the darkness tries to invade and veil my love,
but the light of love keeps glowing hard

A Waterfall Of Empty Tears

A waterfall of empty tears
is rushing down my stinging cheek.
A careless slap restored my fears;
my strengthened soul now wanders weak.

The Sad Times

The sad times come to stay
There never far away
Seconds and minutes away
Hours and days away

A Wishful Touch...

A wishful touch, soft and tender.
Then a whisper, full of desire
A sudden gasp of sweet surrender
As passion fuels the fire

A Crack In Time

Theres a crack in the clock, a crack in time
Crack in my heart and cracks in my mind
Take me back to when it all started
So I can stop being broken hearted.

Dark Rain...

The rain started falling today, from up high
within the dark clouds embracing the sky
they swelled like honey dew,
ripe and sweet, something new.

Deep Passionate Kisses...

Slow deep passionate kisses so deep, so strong
Sensual touches, flaming lips of so much desire
Tasting each inch of your body so lovingly traced
As my breath touches yours, we become together one

All Alone With My Thoughts...

All alone with my thoughts, as they haunt me so,
Eyes are like rivers that hasten to flow.
Images circle me, and begin to glow,
Why must my thoughts taunt me so?

A Dream Within A Dream,

A dream within a dream,
So lonely in the winter still;
Wishes going into the air stream,
To never again to fulfil.

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