Hit Title Date Added
Lonely Tears....

Lonely tears upon my face so wet
My sad broken heart replied with regret
With your kind gentle words Ill not forget
I finally learned to let go and off you went...

Dance In The Dark

I dance all alone in the shadows
My feet barely touching the ground
Waltzing through the night
Lightly thinking, lightly stepping,

The Dark...

Again there is a clamour, an enormous din
The night grows thick the clouds grow thin
The silence enters me making me shake
The noise is frighten​ ing​ like an earthquake

In The Darkness

In the darkness
In the darkness I do now but live.
In the darkest hour I shiver.
And I do all but quiver.

Between The Darkness And Dreams...

Between the darkness and dreams
And vivid illusions of light
There exists only what seems
To be out of touch, out of sight.

Dark Writing....

Dark shadows sneak under the door
As I keep writing these dark lyrics more
Of a nature that's not evil or unkind
Rather of disturbing thoughts in my mind.

Adrift On Butterfly Wings..

Oh, please give to me my sweet butterfly
A kiss to me upon your gossamer wings
And carry me far away to foreign lands
To realms of exotic and beautiful things

The Intensity Of Love....

Mirror of beauty
With steady tranquillity
And reflects diversity
Yet sadly shows scarcity

This Universal language, spoken whenever you go.
Becomes a rushing river once its started to flow.
Words can be used to bring a person shame or the sound
can heal another pain.

I wait to meet her gaze then she will understand
I will hold my breath and kiss her hand
I will see her blush her cheeks red now
I will smell her hair and kiss her brow

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