Donna Nimmo Poems

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Bad Memories

Why do i have to live in pain from years ago and recent
I try to shut out all the pain and to you be so decent
I bury it all and shut it out and it always will erupt
Trying to be always loving and forget so I won't be abrupt

Toilet Paper

As I sit on that glorious seat
My pants resting up on my feet
Thinking, toilet paper such a cost
Use it once and then it's lost

My Aunt's Murder

She was a gentle elderly lady
Who was always helping everyone, not shady
She tended to the sick and gave to the poor
She loved all so much, she was so pure

As The Eagle Flies

I would love to be an eagle
I would take off and fly beyond the clouds
If it rained a little, I wouldn't mind
At least I would be with my own kind

If Only

If only you could see through my eyes
You would see beauty and sadness and even cries
If only you could glimpse into my mind
You would see pain and memories so unkind

Hurricane Katrina

You came in seeking to destroy and ravage a city
You took so many lives and homes what a pity
Families separated, bused here and there
Some never to find each other any where

Wonderful Bath Bubbles

Sitting in a bath tub, filled with bubbles
Soaking and erasing all my troubles
Staying in the water till your skin gets wrinkled
Spraying your hair you are getting sprinkled

Happy Mothers Day In Heaven

I reached for your hand, It wasn’t there
I needed your heart, you didn’t care
I was born to you, you couldn’t love me
I was a mistake, you needed to be free

Hello Mr.

Hello Mr. I don't know your name
Pain is my past, but you're not to blame
My heart, I have built a wall around
No more hurt for me, I stand my ground

Social Security Reform

They have found an answer for social security
Put them in a nursing home, no liability
Medicaid and medicare will probably have to pay
Then they'll only live a year or two and become their prey

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