Dorothy Kardas, Psy.D. Th.D. Poems

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Guard Of A Warrior

Union with the traitor and foe of God
Is hard to set right and remedy,
As in all times, places and affairs
The hellish foes set their snares.

Bravery Inspiring? !

Shifting dust
Of subjective thoughts:
Irrationalities married
As rocklike realities!

Inveterate Expresser

Eager to announce an opinion
Itching to speak, to divulge and declare
Often clueless, unknowing
Yet, raring to express;

In The Hands Of The Pitiless

(For unborn brothers and sisters)

And, the wind has brought
Yet another grievous thought,

Haughty Unsuitability

Losing sight of the consequences and cost
(Couldn't care less...)
For the voiceless who need mercy the most...
Since political course and run are at stake

Luminary's Steps

As an owl picked out the fixed Star
A break in the clouds, a ray of hope
Washing her hands of muddled,
Many-sided habit of mind

Ardent Lover

Remaining in the all-penetrating Eye
or taking flight from Omniscient Might? !
(swirl of toil laborious... fruitless... external
parting company from glimpse eternal? !)


Blind adorer of false gods
Reckless idol-maker
Money maker
Power or fame

Cryptic Scribble

-less than dust-
this world, in the main,
stewing in madness
don't belong here-

Converse With Shepherd Dateless

Under dark ominous clouds...
Thoughts of mine rowing with Being Celestial
His Voice melodic, earnest... seemingly terrestrial:
Grieve we must grieve over hearts buried...

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