Emranor Reja

Emranor Reja Poems

Sound so sweet
Night so sweet
Daylight so sweet
Moonlight so sweet

ফুল যখন সৌন্দর্য হারায় তখন সে মৃত
মন যখন গতি হারায় তখন সেও মৃত
মৃত ফুলকে কিছুই বহন করতে হয় না
মৃত মনকে আস্ত শরীরটা বহন করতে হয়

Some man born to fight in search of light
among the night
Light is fair of fire fallow and unstained
Flame walks and moves only to burn

কবিতা ইজ কবিতা, ভালো কিংবা খারাপ বলে কিছু নেই। হয় কবিতা নতুবা কবিতা নয় এমন। ভালো ভগবান, খারাপ ভগবান বলে কিছু নেই। হয় ভগবান নয় অসুর।।

আমার ভগবানের নাম কবিতা, রোজ তার দেখা পাই স্বপ্নের ভেতর শিশুর মতো হাঁটতে থাকে। আমি তার শরীরে পূজা দেই, নিজেকে সমর্পন করি তার সামনে আপন মহিমায়।

Mind is very short. Very big, the world of the mind is. Mind world is so cute and gentle. To live and to be alive the mind world demands a market. Eventually the mind market is born. Mind market deals in feelings.

আমি অসুস্থ হলে পৃথিবীর সবাই ব্যস্ত।
আমিময় এই বীজ বাবা রাখে মায়ের কাছে ।মা আমার অস্থিত্ব কিনে নেয়।প্র্রিয় মা; প্র্রথমবারের মতো লোভ শিখিয়েছ ।আবার লোভী হতে তোমারই মানা।এখন দেহের প্র্রতিটি সেল তোমারই পূজা করে ।
তোমারই একটি অংশ পূথিবীতে রোপন করেছো এবং বলেছো তুমি নাকি আমি; আমি নাকি মানুষ
তারপর আমি মানুষ হয়েছি!

Truth means the universal truth. The sun rises and sets is not the truth. Its man made true, universal wrong. Universal is not a fanatic or mania word that so easily we can utter. It is the depth from dough, corner from drape. Mirror image found is not the logical conclusion. So thought born in core of our mind is to pool as to the universe. Just for that we are habituated to have wrong idea in confidence.
If eyes born in the morning died in the evening unable to drink the beauty of star.Actually the star is totally unknown to the day time eyes.Astonished a boundary how can be a true den. It is many poor onto the bounty. A country true is not serviceable to the universe. So we are man should be universal to trace the true tone.

জল যৌথ পরিবারের সদস্য ।পরিবারের নাম নদী; সাগর কোথাও মহাসাগর ।আসলে কোনো নামেই তারা সীমিত নই ।হেরার উপর মানুষের আছর পড়েছে ।তাদের একতা ডুফি পাখির মতো কোমল; সাহসের মতো ধীবর ।জল পরিবারে জীবন আর ভালোবাসা চলে সমানে সামনে ।জলের জন্য কেউ কোনোদিন ইন্না লিল্লাহ পড়েনি ।জন্মের সংবাদও কোনো মা দিতে পারিনি!
হে জল আমারে তোমার করে লও
তোমার চোখে হেলান দিয়ে দেখব-
কেমনে নতুন দুনিয়া পুরাতন অই; পুরাতন দুনিয়া নতুন অই!

Love is essential morning, green ray of the universe.The formation of love is the formation of electron, proton and portion of many things of the every thing being first. When nothing of anything in figuring out the love called on last supper. It mingles the cosmology to the time and so on. Either to be a good man or to be a bad man along with middle man a sole quality first deserved. The sole born wanted quality is love. Everything is player and playing to the love that provides matrix to the thought of society.
A drop water refers to a water family. Water family is the proof of water country.And for the final round we will have an origin. Actual origin or root of origin is love.
A fox word or hatred haughty always within the power. The pill and pole of power halt.By whom? The whom is love. Only for the so is nothing bad or naughty, harmful either helpful project. Every part or metal onto the native power LOVE.

Great of mind
Good of mind journey
Walk to the along with lorn
None was here none will be there

An inane bird falls in love of the cloud. But many a time gone away to conceive that the cloud is born to wander. Then the bird passes the time with tear. The tear turns into a body with the mouth and says that I want to have you.

Sin is a very smile and smile very word. He is also social animal. The mentality of abasing him refers to ignore the natural system. We are man busy abdicating sin world. An abdicate mentality comes to the rule and says_

Dream world is dream. The matrix of the dream world is dream also.
The moon comes in light with lit light. Lit light is her child. Just because moon is the lighter.

I was within a tableland. The name of my tableland is silence. Now I can walk, am able to utter. But I can’t stare at the tabor of my silence.
The earth also cites me that he was also silent. And we were hers. I am puzzled and so on….
Now I am the father of time being. An arena has been created for playing. But when, the field is acceded. I have been the player in confidence. Who says me a player? To be a player a ground is needed. Mind is the ever ground for that. He always sends a message to his nearest feelings. So he is a haberdasher so called. I call him alive partner. Alive means not only the mood of being fresh all times. Alive means the haggle of natural flow. The more I want to be alive the more I am bound to be virtual. Then I have to endure the virulence of the earth. On that mean time the green earth
turned to be viscid earth. We want a idea for satisfaction. The ultimate ulterior of the idea is heaven. Day after day I am habituated by this word. Not for the belief but for the love of heyday habit. And I am yearning for the entrance in the heaven. Only for that I am able to consider earth tiny toy. What I watch, what I think in front of my reality makes me insane. Because everything is the doth of meaningless. Sustain marker kisses the mind. Mind waddles around the wanted earth-heaven. Then there is no alternative to narrate the earth mood.

এমন সুন্দর দিনে চলে এসো
এসে সুন্দর মনে হলে থেকো যেও
আসার স্বাধীনতা যেমন তোমার
চলে যাওয়ার স্বাধীনতাও তোমার

কাছে আসতে
খুব বেশি কাছে আসতে
খুব বেশি কাছে আসতে মানা করবো না আমি
কাছে এসে দেখো তোমার দেয়াল ভেঙে পড়বে না

All alone not at all
Alone is heaven

Someone isthere
In vacant or in pensive mood
Inward eye he or it looks me over
He looks me over and over

This is ours let alone there's. Meeting place while staying at Bazar Chartala. A gossip gang. A tea stall. An adjoining people time and so talkative adipose smile and laugh. A river. I am used to exalt the simplicity of the man beside me. Future is uncertain. We are men all always dislike the evil-doer who has a evil eye to the nature. Our native village specially the palace where I am born I mean my birth place is the nature of heaven touch beauty. Meghna a child of ever lasting youth pries us to watch the everything between sun and ray. It's not a puff. It's a cinema of reality. It's a real drama and original copy of nature. You have the right considering it puerile. Freedom. Case. Pucker life. You have the right of leading Psalm book life. Your life is your choice. I am always going onto the truth. And the truth is nature.

Below the ribs
Above the hips
A mind propelled towards your space
It's no use crying

Emranor Reja Biography

Student of Dhaka University in Bangla literature. Editor of the little mag ‘araishidha’. Journalist the weekly news paper ‘Pen Bridge’ (2007-09) . Also work the local news paper ‘Shaptahik Titas’. I'm Born on Bazarchartalla, araishidha, ashugonj, Brahmanbaria. My father is Ali Akbor. I'm sole son of my parents. I have six sister. I have found life in Writings. Very beginning of my editorial mag is ‘Ujan bangla’)

The Best Poem Of Emranor Reja

Nevertheless Or Homework

Sound so sweet
Night so sweet
Daylight so sweet
Moonlight so sweet
Riverside so sweet
Stream so sweet
Mountain so sweet


I am very asleep beyond your presence

Think you are now in a cave
Think you are now in case in your thought in your anger in your Bolshevik footprint

You have done a lot of mistakes over me
You just tell me I seize your stole and shoe
You have cut my body and mind
But I am told that I have touched your breast in a wrong way

You are a king
Every good for you
Of course
You are a king of wish
Every wrong is right for you

Curse me
I feel better
Your curse is not more cruel than that you had done over me starting to still

Night has come and gone
Sun has come and disappointed
Flower has bloomed and fade out

Nothing is still
Nothing will be alive


You are more alive than the man's cave art

Nothing will be alive
Nothing is still

I can't
No one can kiss one's beloved by the measurement of the estimate doctrine

True love is out of fashion but inner in heart
True touch is out of doctrine but up to the mind chart

Stop your bloody thought process
Otherwise you will be alive more than the practical devil 😈

I am asleep 😴 beyond your presence

Not a problem
Nothing will harm you

Good wish for you as it your course curse
Good wish for you as the pain of your menstruation before the night you are ready to sleep early

Ready to sleep early
Ready to sleep early
Sleep will not be ready for you
Sleep will not ready for you in night and in day

The night and day only to realize
Only to sorry
You will be sorry must I know
Must I know

Your sorry will provide a green life with you
A green life where you are free enough
Where you are free much than your Wazir doctrine

Your ample bosom really I miss
Really I miss your chuckle
Your oration your silence your staring reallymakes me anceint hunter

You along with me
I along with you on sitting on the bank of the peace pray we will for the better world that has never seen that has never described that has never holyfied

Emranor Reja Comments

Md Sharif Hossain 29 October 2013

excellent! but very much complex to have the real meaning. his writings are not for general reader. to enjoy his poetry need pre-preparation to understand poetry. but they carry significance. welcome him to the new world of writing.

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Emranor Reja Quotes

I'm not the alone, The word is alone.

I know nothing of anything as I recognize anything of everything

In the end we will become sleep slot

When I was alone I was not, when I am I am with a crowd

I am learned how to walk towards the rossy lips of my dream, Used to have sweet breast of my dream, I am nothing when my dream is anything

Man at all software not yet hardware and we are the same software and software has no country so called, our country is our working process

True is not beauty, beauty is not true, true is true beauty is beauty

যখন চাঁদ থাকে আকাশ বিশ্বাস করতে চায় না অন্ধকার বলে কিছু আছে, যখন অন্ধকার থাকে আকাশ বিশ্বাস করতে চায় না চাঁদ বলে কিছু আছে। আকাশ বিশ্বাস না করলেও চাঁদ আছে, আকাশ অবিশ্বাস করলেও অন্ধকার আছে।

সরকারি যন্ত্র আওয়াজ করে বেশি কারন পর্যাপ্ত তেল পায় না, সরকারি মানুষ আওয়াজ করে কম কারন পর্যাপ্তের অধিক তেল পায়

Hypocrisy is a selling product of the people for the people and by the people

To be a Democratic at all should be a educative after all

Wrong is a walk of distance, right is a walk of mind

I am the earth world country and thought is my universal capital

রাগের নিচে শত্রু মারা যায় না, মারা যায় রাগান্বিত ব্যক্তির মন

Knowledge is abstract reality

শুরু এক শুন্যতা, শেষ আরেক শুন্যতা, মাঝখানে জেগে থাকা। শুন্যতা আর জেগে থাকার মাঝখানে ভ্রমণ এক অনিবার্য অঙ্গিকার। রমণে আমার আপত্তি আছে কিন্তু ভ্রমণে না।

সাপের কাছ থেকে মধু আশা কর কেন রেজা ভাই, মৌমাছির কাছ থেকে মধু আশা না করলেও মধুই পাবে

টেনশন হলো আপনার গার্লফ্রেন্ড বা বয়ফ্রেন্ডের এক্স, খুব কাছে ডাকলে সংসার ভাঙবে

Jugs for jugs laugh for all

Past is past Present is future

Things end but thoughts survive

Nothing is garbage, garbage is nothing

মনোবল বাজারের ঔষধের চেয়ে শক্তিশালী। ব্যায়াম খাবারকে ঔষধে রূপান্তর করে। ব্যায়াম খাবার মনোবল এই ত্রিফলা দৈনন্দিন কর্মকাণ্ডের গ্লাসে ভিজিয়ে খেলে অনিবার্য সুখ আসে জীবনে।

In my mind you will live or die, there is no middle ground, in the middle ground of my mind you are a den biased animal just

Love is the not only death of duty ❤️ but also death of beauty

Terrible child of the terrible father— right kind of terrible— loathe for the greater good

For the sex you can get easily a lot of terrible sources, for the love you can get something a less than the want, for the better living for the sake of soul touch they are rare and you are rare too— Nature gives you something by giving you nothing

Never Trust anyone with the Wealth and wife— In the Harbour society husband is not yours only

Your suspension is the suspension of the suspension

You can love the problem— you can hate the problem— you are able to ignore the problem— the best way is loving the problem and very carefully trying within best level to solve the problem— otherwise you can ignore the problem very hopefully— Don't let you sink in problems

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