Ernesto Barca Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Ode To George Floyd

Ash clouds float
In scattered slants of light,
Like flies in a frozen breach,
Blankets of black cotton pad the ground

My Son's 2nd Birthday

When time stands still life peaks they say,
As time is forgotten in joy and play,
With eyes wide bright and lips stretched tight,
Those glittering pebbles of tiny white,

Stormy Seas

Raise your head, lift up your chin and look forward.

Do not shrink into the darkness,
Kneel not to the martinet,

A Revolutionary

Why is it that we not live but do?
To think when heeded,
To speak when needed,
To act on instruction, permission

Keep Dreaming

T'is not to be found in pocket or hand,
No silken robes or words expose,
T'is not sung, said or sounded loud
Nor in wreaths of glory shown.

Hollow Eyes

Gratify not curio nor slant the gaze,
Blot not your sense with stain,
Chin down, eyes forward, stretch the gait,
Of him no thoughts pertain.

Wandering Soul

In threadbare shoes we travel wide,
Aching feet on gravel grind
One, then the other, and over again
Until a flat crossing we find.

We Shall Meet Again (Thoughts Of Life After Covid-19)

The cockerel's crow pierces the dawn
Young sun kisses the sky,
Soft moon, in blurry cloud
She melts,

Dreams Of Riding My Horse In Salento

With callous stride and steady hoof
Through rock and rubble glide,
By gap and gully your step still sure
With death we don't collide.


The sidling sun drags dawn
From its slumber night and hugs the sky,
Around it, wraps its light.
Hushed screams in whispered chanter,

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