Eyes Ofsole

Eyes Ofsole Poems

A message from the devil to the devil,
Or maybe just juvenile angels.
Ignorance is not bliss,
Hard can I say Ignorance exists,

I jumped and on the turn of the neck I spotted it.
It was all I heard it was and more, my eyes lit

A true sight of disgust, I was in no way prepared.

Like the lost edges of the highest mountain cliff,
Is my will to live and ability to be.
To be and just be with no line of boundary,
To exist without sight or sound or feel of intention,

Eyes Ofsole Biography

A poet to note on the ways and things of life. As well as one's reactions to the say and doing of another. I myself am still researching the deepest corners of my soul, my brain and my turbulent seas of emotion to “correctly” identify the existence we bare and its due importance.)

The Best Poem Of Eyes Ofsole

Two Men's Prop - Theatre Of Ego

A message from the devil to the devil,
Or maybe just juvenile angels.
Ignorance is not bliss,
Hard can I say Ignorance exists,
For 'fore every single wish,
All are aware of the world beyond mighty doors and opaque windows.

I am a prop of the cause,
A man with no say.
My leader stayed behind;
This was a task for the brave
Though I am not one of courage,
Just a man in need captive of necessity's grip

I carry my kingdom's pride
With every step of progress.
No man's worth alive
Is same with a hero's death;
Lately, it seems impossible to have both.
But I made promise in form of sincere oath
And never for forsaken regret or a different life's ghost,
Shall I render all arms and thought
For a better while, a more worthy cause.

I was God today.
I was Mother today.
I never gave existence,
But believe you so,
I took a life today.
She didn't bear the face of the enemy,
But I saw nothing but that.
Commander ordered,
I can not break the rules.
Who am I to as who am I not to?
'Follow me and you shall be a Hero'
I walked in every print of his step and embodied his shadow.
I am a Hero!

A message from the devil to the devil,
Or maybe just juvenile angels.
The bullet smashed into her head.

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