Farrukh Ahmad Poems

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Personal Explanation

Many a time my well-wishers opined that
I have a very bright future before me−
That is, through sinful earning,

The Sailor Of The Seven Seas

I don't know how many black curtains had to be raised to bring this morning.
The green leaves shiver in the orange grove.
The seven seas' tide has brought foam on your door-steps.
O Sailor of the seven seas, see, your ship calls at your door,

A Moment's Poem

Time - eternal, still. Only the fleeting moments
Swift restless like the wag-tail visit the sea-shore
In the strong tide just like the seasonal birds
And fill the earth with a spectrum-white yellow and blue.

The Whistle Of The Magpie Robin

From the impervious dark night's portal
Comes the magpie robin's whistle,
The day's last sun-rays burn wonderfully
On the evening sand,

Punjeri (The Navigator)

When will the night end, punjeri?
Still your sky overcast with cloud?
Your star and crescent moon not yet up?
You on mast and, row blindfold;


Dahuk's cooing all through the night...

This hamlet is sleeping like a deep silent pond.
I am awake alone in this long night.

Keep aside the game of deception,

An Atheist's Prayer : His Confession

When I heard that even the sun has death,
And numerous celestial spheres' fate lies in death,
That very moment I realized this sky is full of mystery;
That very moment I thought this life a moment's song.

I Called Her In That Name

I called her by that name which nobody uttered,
I know her that mind which nobody could know:
That mind blossomed like a flower in autumn night
And ignored the gloomy evening with dreamy fragrance.


My heart is stupefied : mute with pain
Like the lotus-bud mum in the chilly night,
Like the lonely bird no more returning to its nest alone;
Likewise my mind no more seeks freedom in speech.

From Outside Of The Cradle

You swing the cradle from outside without rest,
It swings up and down with two refrains;
One brings deep sleep, other breaks the slumber.

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