Francis Duggan Poems

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Never A Burden

Knowledge is never a weight on the mind
Those open to learning become the enlightened kind
We learn as we live something new every day
That knowledge is not a burden only true to say

Since For It

Since for it I never receive money for pay
I have been advised by some for to give rhyming away
But compared to their big dreams in life mine are so small
And money it does not interest me at all

It Is So Hard For Them

Some former presidents and prime ministers on political and current affairs love to have their say
It is so hard for them to give their power away
To the leaders of the current government they offer unsolicited advice
Free media publicity for this is their price

Life He Does Blame

He is short on money and feeling quite sad
And he does feel that life has been treating him bad
The praises of life at present he does not sing
But he forgets that life does not owe anyone anything

You Possibly Can

Life goes so quickly beyond our physical prime
Eventually we all do run out of time
The longest lived life in time not a long span
So do try to live for as long as you can

By The Brown Hills

Out there by the brown hills from here far away
In unmarked graves the bones of Australia's first people does lay
The people who believed to the land they belong
And who is to say in their beliefs they were wrong

From Life Every Day

From life every day we do learn something new
In this respect I am not one of a few
From life's book new lessons for us every day
We never stop learning it does seem this way

A Grudge In The Mind

Some easier to get on with than others happens to be so
But few go through life without making a foe
And it is not unusual that a grudge in the mind can escalate
In the one with the grudge to feelings of hate

Verbal And Mental Bullies

There are verbal bullies in every town
Who abuse their power over others and put them down
And with them play mind games and their confidence undermine
On their interaction with their subordinates too often they cross the line

Your Very Best Try

You only can be the best that you can be
Though some with this may well choose to disagree
Though some better than you when you were put to the test
How could you do better than doing your best

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