Francis Duggan Poems

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For Them All Of The Glory

For them all of the glory the adulation and fame
The winners by their fans lauded after the big game
In life as in sports it is much the same
The winners for themselves always make a name

They Are Such Good People

They are such good people the compassionate and kind
And of helping of others are always willingly inclined
Not the sort in their words to drag anyone down
And more like them are needed in every town

At Anytime

That death can come to anyone at anytime is not a lie
And it is a fallacy that anyone is too young for to die
The Reaper of lives claims the lives of the old and the young
As well as the wealthy celebrities and the poor and unsung

When A Hero Was Needed

Dismissed in the town as a never do well
And without any achievements in life of for to tell
One of the local community's marginalized
But people like him as is known have surprised

Not The Star Pupil

Einstein in school was not one of the star pupils of his class
But in his lifetime achievements all others he did surpass
In physics on his theory of relativity his fame live today
True genius can be slow to bloom it is often this way

The Marginalized

To fight illness they don't have the strength or they don't have the will
Poor people are left to die when they fall ill
The government for them does not seem to care
Any money to support them from their budget they do not have to spare

A Nice Evening In September

The sun it is out so good to be alive
A beautiful evening for to go for a drive
It is so refreshing the cool coastal breeze
And the birds they are singing on the bushes and trees

September In Millstreet

Where old Clara Mountain as ever looks down
On the green countryside bordering Millstreet Town
In latter September in the Fall of the year
And with each passing day cooler and wetter weather is near

If Everyone Were Winners

Suppose humanity is designed in this way
There are winners and losers in the Human World every day
And though losing is a thing anyone does not choose
For one to win big many do have do have to lose

Whistlers Supreme

A blackbird sized brown and grey bird of humans not shy
a grey shrike thrush is whistling on the trees nearby
Once seen and once heard their kind you never again do get wrong
They do have a beautiful whistling song

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