Francis Duggan Poems

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In her mid nineties her hair silver gray
Bella has seen many a night and day
Her long time husband Luke in the local cemetery lay
A good husband to her and a good person in every way


He likes to drink top shelf liquor gin, whisky, brandy, vodka and rum
And he likes to talk himself up whilst chewing on his gum
Self confident Donny one of the cocky young blokes of the town
Daydreams of great material wealth and renown

The Forgotten Irish

Lloyd George invited them to come and fight for us and Ireland of British rule we will set free
And they young adventurous and brave though naive as can be
Thought the proposition of the British Prime Minister was quite a good idea
And to fight under the Union Jack they readily did agree

She Did Not Seem All There

By the way that she spoke and the things that she said
I did feel she was not that right in the head
I could not get a word in as she did talk non stop
I did feel she was a bit over the top.

By Finnow The White River

Home to the badger and silver backed crow
The old rushy fields where Finnow waters flow
On towards the Blackwater it winds on it's way
It never stops babbling by night and by day

The Neo Conservatives

The neo conservatives lack in the inner glow
They lack in empathy and compassion does not show
For the poor of the World who are doing it tough
The hungry and homeless and those sleeping rough

The First Day Of March

The first day of March and of the southern Fall
In the Moyne Shire of Victoria it is not like Autumn at all
The weather temperatures well over thirty degrees
And warmth in the sunshine and warmth in the breeze

The Asylum Seekers Friend

Nelson Mandela as a person and a political leader was a true great
But he is no longer living for to celebrate
And apart from Angela Merkel who deserves to be held in high esteem
Not many others deserve to be rated is how it does seem

The Journey Of The Sanderlings

From their northern breeding grounds in the early Fall they take to wing
And fly towards their wintering beaches in the southern Spring
The mystery of their long journeys quite an amazing thing
These tiniest of migratory waders the brown and gray sanderling

Nicer To Each Other

To each other why cannot be compassionate and kind
Instead of flaws in one another seeking to find
There is more to living than for the me, myself and i
Sadly there are those who believe that kindness and compassion are based on a lie

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