Francis Duggan Poems

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To Love Nature

I grew to love Nature when I was a boy
And learning of her ways today I enjoy
And my wonder of her ways only does grow
Yet so little about her I can claim for to know

Used Car Sales People

With the gift of the gab they would talk their way out of hell
These used car sales people they know how to sell
On their selling ability their jobs are at stake
The more cars they do sell the more commission they do make

In The Warmth Of Early Summer

In the warmth of early Summer quite melodious and clear
The blackbird is singing to tell rain is near
If not tonight or tomorrow then later today
Nature's creatures are telling us rain's on the way

Jim The Atheist

Jim the atheist says it does seem a bit odd
That they feel scared of death those who believe in god
If they genuinely believed in a life after death they would be happy to die
Do they harbour a tiny seed of doubt that god's existence may be a lie

Love Of Self Gone Wrong

If you cannot love yourself you cannot love anyone
This is what the wise woman did say to her son
And though there are many forms of love of which all are aware
Those who have love in them have love with others for to share

A True Writer

Without any desire to be a great literary name
A true writer does not write for money or fame
Though they too may daydream of some literary success
It is of love of writing they do write nonetheless

Fond Memories Of Ireland

Hibernia's wild shores i may never more see
Since i have left Irelandbut Ireland has not left me
Though i have not seen it for years and from there live far away
In my visualizations i visit it often sometimes every day

The Town's Leading Poetess

Though not widely known as a writer she is loving and kind
The town's leading poetess has a beautiful mind
So many poems she has written each day she writes more
The widowed grandmother of years six with three score

From Life

We learn as we live from life every day
And we never stop learning only true to say
And every day from life we learn something new
The lessons of life are never of the few

On John Howard

John Howard Australia's ex Prime Minister who likes to refer to socialist views as begrudging mentality
That their thinking belong to narrow minded poverty
Though he has not been in Parliament for many a day
Like many ex politicians he likes to have his say

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