Francis Duggan Poems

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How Can I Judge You Mister

How can i judge you mister your life experience so different to mine
You eat in the high class restaurants and drink expensive wine
And you too have a story of your life for to tell
You are seen as successful for yourself you've done well,

We Think Of The Past

We think of the past and we live for today
And the clock on our lives it is ticking away
And of making a success of life we despair
But far worse off than us in the big World out there.

Ordinary Man

He daydreams of adventure and wealth and renown
The ordinary man in an ordinary Town
But from his own street he never ventures far
And his favourite drinking place is his local bar.

The Grand Old Poet From Dover

There was a time down at the pub he read his poems with passion
But in his seventies he does not recite since rhyme is out of fashion
They talk of football and of their lives and of how their club is faring
The only culture they speak of in between bouts of swearing.

'Tis Beyond Our Control'

And why should one worry or bother to care
Of what's happening today in the big World out there
When to us without power 'tis beyond our control
That too many are living detached from their soul

Of Rainfall And Wind

The river bank high roars on it's way down
Under the bridge on the high road near the old country town
And the tall trees are soughing in the wind and the rain
The things i once knew i re-visit again,

What In The Heck

What in the heck are we arguing about
You don't like it when your opinions i doubt
You have convinced yourself of a life after death
That life does not end when you draw your last breath.

Rosie In Her Late Seventies

In her front garden on a sunny day her i often do see
Tending her flower beds or trimming her hedge or pruning her rose tree
Rosie in her late seventies to those who pass the way
She always greet them with a smile and wish them a good day.

A Winter's Day

It has rained all through the night and for most of the day
And the farmers for more rain they do even pray
For lots of more rain as they look to the sky
For the Summer and Autumn were warm and dry.

You Cannot Win Them All

Not everybody will like you no matter how hard you may try
For to be a nice person and smile at them and say hi
There is an old saying that i can recall
That you can win some but you cannot win them all.

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