'Gboyega Towobola

'Gboyega Towobola Poems

I dream of a colourful future,
And I see a bright tomorrow,
I look for paths to greatness,
And I have thoughts rushing in,

I have sought your face,
And you came in your pace,
Gradually revealing the mandate,
But I feared for I thought I was a cadets,

The windows open,
He enters the dark rooms,
And expels darkness.
More than a ray,

My soul is stretched,
My spirit seeks Your touch,
And I have no place to go,
But I have a palace in You,

I churn out good to offer,
Only to get a return offer,
that makes me suffer,
But I pose to be patient,

When I stumbled,
Over rough edges,
And was close to fall,
Into the snare of the fowler,

Eyes leak,
Heart bleeds,
And conscience ache,
When the end is rocky.

He pedalled softly to be careful,
He laid low to be sure,
Reached to launch but grabbed patience,
Crawled to wisdom,

I used my mouth to shout and sing,
But I lost my voice,
I gathered tongues of friends for backup,
Their tongue fainted,

I love to be your bard
And so I try so hard,
But, I am just a lad,
Don’t let me go bad,

I desire compassion,
For life has been messy
And it makes me crazy,
But with Your mercy

Darkness so dark,
Will pave for light to shine,
Then gory will end in glory,
When the hand of God enters.

The Best Poem Of 'Gboyega Towobola

Still Pressing On

I dream of a colourful future,
And I see a bright tomorrow,
I look for paths to greatness,
And I have thoughts rushing in,
I pen down ideas,
And strategies take shape,
I move to execute plans,
and resources become scarce,
I search for means,
And evil presents options,
I embrace the option of integrity,
And wait to grab the right opportunity,
I am still pressing for the mark,
And I am sure of making the prize.

…keep on the good works

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