gershon hepner Poems

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Your tears you thought would fertilize
the lemon tree will flow instead
to give the desert a surprise,
renewing blossoms that aren’t dead,

Loveliest Tree

Loveliest tree, the cherry will,
its blossoms under snow,
tell aging poets there is still––
before the blossoms go

Dinner Last Night

What did I have for my dinner last night
and what did I talk about while we were eating?
Who was the one who prepared every bite
and saved the leftovers perhaps for reheating?

Naked, Not Nude

The nude reveals her naked skin,
looking healthy, free and fresh,
but the naked girl will win
more attention with her flesh,

Before Breakfast

Believing six things to be wrong
before our breakfast has been made
occurs when coffee isn’t strong
and toast is lacking marmalade.

Daft Wee Zoomer

Too old to be a baby boomer,
for lassies he still has the hots,
although they call him daft wee zoomer
when he goes lowland on the Scots.

Coachmen And Madmen

His tunes were so simple the coachmen could sing it,
but some were so complex they thought he was mad,
though they were spontaneous he never would wing it;
yet nothing was scratched out on Mozart’s scratch pad.

It Is Forbidden

Although adultery’s forbidden in
the Ten Commandments, look up number seven,
there are a lot of other ways to sin
that take a man to hell while he seeks heaven.

Ashes To Ashes

Ashes to ashes and dust to dust,
that is the way that we go when we rust,
oxygen making us oxidize, swords
turned into plowshares while fighting for words.

Primal Primate

The primal primate, Eve, offended
God by telling Man to eat
a most enticing fruit suspended
from a tree. This tricky treat

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