Gert Strydom Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Suddenly Very Empty Is My Life. (Italian Sonnet)

(after Edith Nesbit)

After the first decent shower of rain
the roses flower red, yellow and white

Against Your Will I Cannot Hold You Back (English Sonnet)

I am tired of half-truths and your lies
and loosing you burns in my throat and breast,
there now is something strange in your eyes,
the uncertainty will not let me rest.

Than You Have A Obsession (Italian Sonnet)

I do love you; it's to you no surprise,
of sins erred there is no confession;
nor on principle I make a concession,
to no one my own feelings are a guise.

Like Outside My Life Is Dark (Italian Sonnet)

I come with faith in love and liberty
while outside there falls thunder-bolts blue-white,
they do branch and light-up the stormy night,
the earth smells with promise of what is to be.

Like In All The Years (Sicilian Sonnet)

Too lonesome and sad are all of my days,
where at heart I do you still much adore,
do seek your angelic image once more,
where you brought me joy in wonderful ways,

Piercing Decisions Makes My Heart Bleed (Italian Sonnet)

For your love and company I will not plead,
or for any attention supplicate,
and where I do not have patience to wait,
even if missing you intensify my need.

I Do Not Know If You Love Me (Italian Sonnet)

You tried to force me to break my own word
that to you I gave many years ago,
while here now you want me to let you go
and while I do love you it seems absurd,

As If You Are Not In Any Way Mine (English Sonnet)

I loved you as long as I do you know
and where you do put our marriage on hold,
you shattered me more than six months ago,
where you acted towards me icy cold,

At Heart I Am Missing You (English Sonnet)

I do know at heart that you are still mine,
that you are perceptible and tangible real,
do not know of errors that you repine,
do not know that living apart is ideal,

Daily For Your Change Of Heart I Pray (Sicilian Sonnet)

Where for months I have been from you away,
I loved you in my soul and my heart.
From the very moment we were apart,
needed you on every single sunny day.

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