Glaedr the poet

Glaedr the poet Poems

Family comes together
For always and forever
In sickness and in health
In poverty or in wealth

Family to me has many meanings
For all are full of diverse feelings
Love and anger, both within a single one
Children who stay and children who run

The love of a mother is beyond compare
One who dearly loves and is always there
From scraped knees
To falls from trees

I throw my gun in the back of my truck
With it I hope to kill a 12-point buck

I am tired
tired of the walls closed around me
tired of blindness when I wish to see
I am scared

The mighty wings of the chosen
The mighty dragons long forgotten
Above all creatures do they tower
There lies within them limitless power

I am trapped within a population sea
So much my heart desires to be set free
Desire for large buildings, I have none
I want open fields and to see the rising sun

Love I cannot have, for it is love that I fear
Never again shall I draw someone ever so near
No longer love will my heart ever hold
For my heart has hardened and turned ice cold

War has caused me much pain
By peace only will I abide
Thoughts of battle make me insane
My sword lays forgotten by my side

I do not express my anger
I prefer to be at peace
I go away from present danger
and my problems begin to cease

My sister is someone who I cannot comprehend
Never in my wildest dreams could I ever call her “Friend”
I can easily say we do not get along
She argues, she fights, she hates to be wrong

Hail dragon! Predator of the air
Do not rejoice, do nothing but despair
For you are gone oh dragon, passed into legend
For the merciless warriors of old you could not contend

My body received rest but my mind was left to wonder
From reality and reason does it continuously falter
The dreams I have dreamt are now long forgotten
They have withered, disappeared, and turned rotten

Many have died, many have perished
But this man has yet to fall
Gone for months, time that is cherished
Yet he still answers the call

Words cannot describe how I feel
My knees weaken, my heart beats fast
This feeling within me is so real
How much I hope it will last

Our fires burn with a fearless rage!
They burn at the humans in this cursed age
From friends to hunted the dragons soon became
We are now called 'beast' and by no other name

I've read enough of heartbreaks and tears
Even more so of depressions and fears
I've heard enough of your deaths and rapings
Even more so than your scars and abusings

Upon the saddle I am mounted
My foot in the stirrup is set
Precious time is happily counted
a kinder horse have I never met

People speak of homeland as the countries that bore their ancestors
They speak of pride, tradition, and origins of predecessors
I have no interest in where I came from, or a family history
The past should stay the past: an unsolved mystery

I once asked you to marry me for my love had no end
I thought we'd always be together, then you called me 'friend'
I was called your fiancee, but your brother I became
Yet my endless love for you, has always been the same

Glaedr the poet Biography

I write whatever comes to me. My favorite things to write are epic dragon poems and poems about horses. I don't like freeverse but I really like rhyme because it gives poetry a nice sound...What do you think? I really enjoy the Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini (aka Eragon, Eldest, Brisingr, Inheritance) . They sparked a love for fantasy within me. As some may have guessed, my name really isn't Glaedr. Glaedr is a name I got from the inheritance cycle. It was the name of an ancient and wise gold dragon. If you haven't read the cycle and you enjoy the magic of Harry Potter or the Adventure of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, I'd strongly sugest checking them out. As for where I inhabit this earth, I live in a town of roughly 17,000 in Missouri. My dad being military, I lived in three different states in a 9 year span. But now he is no longer an 'active member' of the military and we are in Missouri. I have always had a desire to live out in the country. In my free time I enjoy riding horses any chance I get!)

The Best Poem Of Glaedr the poet

Family Comes Together

Family comes together
For always and forever
In sickness and in health
In poverty or in wealth
Family comes together
For always and forever
Without any reason
Anytime or any season
Family comes together
For always and forever
In death or in life
In happiness or in strife
Family comes together
For always and forever
In anger or in kindness
Whether all seeing or in blindness
Family comes together
For always and forever
Whether for work or for play
They somehow find a way
For family to come together
Because families are forever

Glaedr the poet Comments

Carleesha 10 March 2019

What does glaedr does for a living

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