Gloria Rose

Gloria Rose Poems

Get over it
Get over your pain
And your fake friends
Who doesn’t like you for who you are

He cried, I fell bad for him
He made the biggest mistake of his life; I forgave him like God said
I know that the evil was inside of him
Because he didn’t mean to say all of those words

I’m just a boy
Who have the worst luck
In his life
I’m trying very hard to find someone

You know that I have a crush no you
Deep inside my heart
I can’t stop thinking about you
Because, when I try so hard to forget you

I was happy to see my day,
However, things has been going on outside,
I try to do my best to survive in there
But, my best was my worst.

Everywhere I look its white
What does that suppose to mean
Is that sugar falling from the sky?
Brrrrrrrrrrrrr, winter is here

Everything’s I have
Everything’s I own
Everyone that I loved
Has been taken away from me

He looks calm and ready
He’s joking now
Everyone is staring at him
He start sweating

Touch me
Love me and trust me
That’s it all I need from you
Love me everyday and every night


Death is when your loved ones
Must depart far away
Death is a sharp pain to the heart
It an unfair thing

Standing here, all alone
Facing the cold rain
Lots of sound is going on my mind
I could barely hear them this loud


People love to sing,
They love to dance too,
What do they want?

I’m happy
Very happy
Even too happy
During these days of the week

I’m a very beautiful girl
Well, that what everyone said to me
Everywhere I go
But, I don’t believe them

When you are feeling all alone
And the best friend is hard to find
Let me be the person that you want
When you are suffering i will be there

It must made you sad
I guess you even feel sorry for yourself
To know that I’m with another guy
And that I was in love again


All these time
I’m trying to live alone
With no one telling me want to do
Except my mom

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves,

I have the heart on my hand
I am full with kindness
I cannot fight for my happiness
That looks hard and impossible for me

Why am I living in this world?
That I can’t see
I don’t even know what my beloved brother
Look like

The Best Poem Of Gloria Rose

Just A Smile

Get over it
Get over your pain
And your fake friends
Who doesn’t like you for who you are
Don’t just see it like it was a bird
Stop pretending that you are one of them
Go to a free space
And open your eyes
You will see your real life
A life that is not fakes, like your friends
A life with magic
Magic that you couldn’t believe
If you don’t believe me
Come closer to the one
The one that you loved
The one that you want to be friend with
Not the one that is trying to pretend around you
Come the one who your heart is directing you
Because, the way that your heart is going
Its safe, ant it will bring you joy
Just smile to see it

Gloria Rose Comments

Jerry Hughes 19 November 2009

You have potential to express yourself well, keep at it. Cheers, Jerry

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Getachew Teklay 17 November 2009

Your poem is very very I loved. So keep it up by this..... At the last I want to Share my life with you.

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