Hannington Mumo Poems

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The Poet's Ubiquity

Methinks pilots are such superior mortals
For their ability to make metals fly like fowls,
And soldiers have such an impressive mettle
That makes you salute their daring prowls.

The World

The world’s no man’s place to idle or giggle,
Like Shakespeare said it’s merely a stage
Where mortals appropriate their little part
And dissolve into the nothingness of eternal age.

Moving On

Moving on is such a sweet affair
When the going seems harder and harder,
Yet the trail may be hard here and there
For those not seasoned in the faith.

Boredom After Boredom

Boredom after boredom
As the bitter contents of life unfold,
And mortals wind their way home
To mark the end of their earthly lease.

No Need

No need to bother those of light thinking
For these things are not known to them;
It's like plucking a nanny goat a sweet tune; -
She responds not to your fine musical gem.

I Set Off On An Ambitious Journey

I set off on an ambitious journey;
Several years gone I embarked on a travel
To a beautiful destination miles away,
And I did not know the paths very well.

Something About This Life

If you are alive and on earth my brother
You better take every risk to succeed,
Even if you do not court any hazard
Existence is the biggest risk you must heed.


Bored by the sun
And bored by the wind;
I peruse through good poetry
But none yields a hint;


A powerful consent to the notch of oath;

Every mouth that says it must obey the heart,

I Fear No Foe

I fear no staggering storms
Nor the endless infernos razing homes.
Amid a battle one has scarce any option
But to fight on through the stubborn commotion

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