Mehta Hasmukh Amathaal Poems

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Mother And I Wept

Here is the incidence, very true of its kind and, has taken place in my life. In one place mother wept for me and in the second place I wept.Both has no bearing on each other but since it was between mother and son, I thought of it putting it to a general public for view.

I Want To Sing A Song

I want to sing a song
Path is difficult and very long
How to praise you in words?
Guide and lead me O, lord

Mercy, Rain God

Mercy O, rain God,

Down pour you shower,
Nothing will be left but fewer,

A Never Ending

Life is never ending process
It has no pause or recess
It beats on in different form
Constant changes with very good reform

Sorrowful Ocean

Life is like vast ocean,
Full of sorrow and pain,
Joy less and worry main,
Not to loose hope and energy regain,

No More Domination

Many female chauvinist organizations demand,
“Husband or males should taken to remand”
No leniency on cruelty or their atrocity”
But reasonable try for compromise and amity,


What is considered most important aspect?
To lead honorable but ordinary life with respect
At any point of given time you should be able to inspect
The self assessment device which guides you to act

Should We Feel

Should we feel ashamed of poor parent?
Is it the feeling so basic and inherent?
Can we make the difference not apparent?
What should and can be the real intent?

Education Gives Us........

Does the education give us more knowledge?
Make intelligence sharp to cut the edge?
Does it inspire intelligentsia to take more pledge?
Is it simply the symbolic gesture in form of badge?

Oh, Dear Daughter

Little thought itself disturbs the mind
Thoughts of leaving dear ones or something of that kind
Shakes whole body in disbelief and remain perturbed
What would be the fate? Condition so disturbed

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