Hayley Foster

Hayley Foster Poems

Stay Beautiful
Even if we don’t stay friends
Stay Beautiful
Even if we fall apart

Broken heart
Torn in two
Shattered apart

When I stare into the mirror,
What is it I see?
I see my own reflection,
Staring back at me

I have seen you a million times
And every time I see you
I fall in love with you all over again
My heart starts to race

Kiss me with passion
or tender care
kiss me with promises
that you'll always be there

Never say I love you if you don’t really care.
Never talk about feelings if they aren't really there.
Never hold my hand if you are going to break my heart.
Never say you are going to if you don’t plan to start.

there are things in life
that will make you cry
and its times like these
when you barely get by

health is gained
when you are maimed
or when you take a dive
cats that live

Emo heart
broken to bits
turns to black
as she cuts her wrists


angels gather all around
angels down here on the ground
angels wings are white and frail
angels won't sing there hearts to hell

you kiss me so gently
you hold me tight
you make me smile
all day and night

she's an artist of sorts,
with her brushes and paints
But she doesn't use canvas,
it's opinion she taints

I can see your face..
My heart calls out, wanting you with me in this special place..
I can feel your arms holding me tight..
I long to snuggle close and feel all my fears take flight..

you broke my heart
you made me cry
for that i wish you would die
the pain you caused was just to much

Teardrops fell from Shelley’s face, as she held her mother’s hand
Sorrow filled her broken heart, as she fought to understand
Why her mom was dying, why she had to let her go
And as her fear grew stronger, Shelley felt her panic grow

I love you more than life itself
But I’m afraid to love.
My heart is like the fragile wings
Of a tiny little dove.

its tough to be a teenager, no one really knows
what the pressure is like in school this is how it goes

i wake up every morning and stare into this face

Faded memories are the worst
Never knowing what they hurt
Memories that were once so clear
Fade away year by year

outside you see me smiling
and floating through each day
a little tired a little thin
but overall okay

roses are red violets are blue
i'm in love but not with you
why didn't you tell me from the start
instead of goin around and breakin my heart

Hayley Foster Biography

hi my name is hayley nicole foster born march 5th friday 2: 04 a.m. at akron city hospital i love skinny jeans skate shoes skateboards make-up tight fitting shirts jewrlry and hot topic and not to mention that i'm bisexual so i like girls too i'm 5 foot 2 and i have blue eyes that change colors dirty dishwater blonde hair my eyes change from the color blue for when i'm really happy green when i'm sad normal embarassed hazel when i'm not feeling good or mad red when you really piss me off gray when i found the one i love and i'm around that person i love poetry music tinkerbell the colors pink and black i hate my mom with a passion she can burn in hell i love my stepmom even though she's dead i write poetry songs and journal entries (livejournal.com) i want to be a doctor i love to sing my nails are always blood red or pink (mostly red) my favorite kinds of music are punk rock alternative basically everything though i collect stuffed animals (teddy bears, care bears) my room is very cheerful even though i am not because my eyes always seem to stay the color green well this is all about me if you have any questions just e-mail me on poemhunter or at yahoo at the e-mail badgirl181218 love, hayley nicole xoxoxo emo rox emo lover emo love)

The Best Poem Of Hayley Foster

Stay Beautiful

Stay Beautiful
Even if we don’t stay friends
Stay Beautiful
Even if we fall apart
Stay Beautiful
Because you’re going to be someone in life
Stay Beautiful
For me or if not for me
Stay Beautiful
For yourself or for the people you love
Just Stay Beautiful
Because someday you’re going to find the one
You really truly love and she’ll be telling you
To Stay Beautiful too
Stay Beautiful
Because you’re an amazing person and
That’ll never change and
Stay Beautiful
Because you’re one and in a million and
Stay Beautiful
Just to stay the beautiful person
You are today and
Stay Beautiful
Because that’s who you are
You’re Beautiful

Hayley Foster Comments

Michael Foitlinski 18 October 2020

Please contact me m.foitlinski@icloud.com

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Amanda Fechner Fechner 29 June 2017

I call BS on this one.. I wrote ot in 1999 with proof.

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Zachary Glitch 11 December 2009

You are very talented and I do envy you a bit. Keep up the wonderful work.

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