Ima Ryma Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Joan Rivers

Plastic surgery - had so much,
I'm mistaken for Tupperware.
But my Doc has that magic touch.
I pick my nose when I am there.

Slow Loris

A slow loris primate I be
From Asia where I do roam slow,
So humans easily grab me
For human weirdness - doncha know!

Wrestlin' Match - Lincoln Park Zoo

Bachelor gorillas show off
At the pad in Lincoln Park Zoo.
We really do not care for golf,
But love to wrestle - yep we do!

Hand On Football

The greatest football catch got caught
By Odell Beckham, rookie pro.
He had run down the field a lot
To try to catch a real long throw.

Stork Story

When human children learn to talk,
So many questions children ask.
One that always comes as a shock,
'Where did I come from? ' Dread the task

Looking Black Hole

Astronomers on Earth refine
The ways and means to calculate
The infinite light years that shine
To us at a forever rate.

My Barber

My barber to my question said,
When I asked for a good cut new,
Becuz it's on the same old head,
'No miracle that I can do.'

Soldiers' Living Tomb

The U.S.A. powers that be
Insist on fighting wars that cost
Less battlefield fatality,
But more living soldiers be lost.

Bug To The Future

Urban centers are labs to try
Better ways to deal with packed life.
Bugs can become a solver - why?
Becuz bugs could ease human strife.

While They Last

Used enhancement device for sale.
The platform top made of fine oak,
Original finish detail,
Slight damage from some water soak.

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