Jessie Stowers

Jessie Stowers Poems

Masks please the eye,
Tears churn the heart.
You just need to smile wide,
They'll forget your broken part.

I am from crunchy haybales,
from John Henry's and Stop to Shop.
I am from the fire on the back patio.
Melted chocolate, crackling wood, and eyes stinging from the burning ash and smoke.

Looking from afar,
Would be better than this torture.
Glancing at the stars,
Wishing for past order.

Maybe if it stopped beating,
It wouldn't kill me always.
In between the lines I've been reading,
Living in a painful haze.

You take hold of my mask,
And betray me.
My endless task,
Is to make sure they don't see.

My beloved escape,
Put reality behind me.
My life please reshape,
Make me finally feel free.


I don't know how to feel,
Heartbreak controlling my life.
You seem to make the pain less real,
The dull edge of the knife.

"pardon me can I speak to you in private?
my body is functioning the way it was meant to,
can you excuse me so no one laughs? "
It's one of the things every girl goes through.

I whisper "Stop", in the moonlight I
watch you leave me behind to the company of the stars
"Please" I choke out, I can no longer see you
I never wanted for you to go. And yet

Jessie Stowers Biography

I lived in two small towns right next to each other until the age 11, in which I moved to Texas a few weeks into my 6th grade year. Since then I have moved a lot, my family has been through two divorces in my lifetime, I have a bunch of siblings that aren't all related to one another but all related to me, I have 6 pets right now, and I think I'm finally in a better position than I was a couple years ago. Mental health isn't that great, but I'm not insane and apparently I'm a likable person.)

The Best Poem Of Jessie Stowers

Strange Relief

Masks please the eye,
Tears churn the heart.
You just need to smile wide,
They'll forget your broken part.

Never remove that mask,
They'll try to tear you to pieces.
For you it would be such an easy task,
To finally get even.

You want revenge for it all,
Especially for being born.
Raise your chin-try to stand tall,
They'll never understand why you're torn.

They see as far as you show them,
Don't you shed a tear.
If you told them the problem,
They'd simply run in fear.

It will never be fair,
They'll never feel your pain.
All the screaming and the fighting,
Your efforts are made in vain.

The satisfaction from the blood you shed,
They'll claim you're mentally insane.
No matter what's happening in your head,
Watch the red flow down the drain.

You can only hide it for so long,
The wounds will open and overflow.
There's no more difference from right or wrong,
How can you let them know?

Will they care when you leave that note,
When you take your final breath?
Will they know your real smile,
As you're quickly greeted by death?

They had no chance to save you,
But damn they didn't even try.
I wonder what they'd do,
If they ever saw you die.

How can they say they care,
A smile dancing on their lips?
Tell them if you dare,
It will be their blood that next drips.

You think about the last scene,
Who you'll have around.
You picture your last dream,
Who will be there to see you unwound.

You see death's beautiful face,
His soothing words as he steals your air.
So sly he'll never leave a trace,
You'll leave everyone to stand and stare.

They are in so much pain now,
All because you decided to go.
Please-feel free to take a bow,
Now they all know.

They are clueless of the life,
You so desperately wanted to end.
Introducing your skin to your knife,
They see the message you tried to send.

You walk into the fiery depths of hell,
Just to meet the devil with a grin.
In your first words to him you tell,
That you always knew he'd win.

He greets you with a smirk,
He'd been expecting you for a while.
You admit it took some work,
Giving in had never been your style.

The flames leaping at your face,
You sense a sudden realization.
This is a terribly calming place,
The single purpose of your creation.

Hell brings to you the harmony,
You could never find on Earth.
Finally you can guarantee,
You no longer hate your birth.

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