Terence George Craddock Jobs Poems

Workers In Weapons Factories Wonderful Jobs

people who love war are not normally soldiers
fighting in wars getting arms legs blown off hurts
surviving with disfigured faces disfigured souls

Jobs Grow Into Time Lapse Experiences

first no choice get a job now
grows into time experience skills
more freedom in future choice

An Ability To Change Jobs Create A Better Lifestyle

until we make peace with ourselves
we shall always have the potential
to evoke escalation conflict in others;

American Jobs Sold Overseas Red Flag Welcomed

to communist China, your jobs were shipped out, in the millions!

you are shame sold out honest American workers
wall street profit masters are playing you like puppets

Ask Not But Work: Two Jobs Or Longer Hours

ask not will I be able to pay the bills?
ask not will I be able to support the house?
just turn off electricity buy less food?

Saving Eating Working: Two Jobs A Day?

better to save money for a rainy day?
better to pay bills buy food then play?
better to work two jobs or longer hours in a day?

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