Jonathan Goldman a.k.a JGthepoet Poems

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It was a Memorable Occasion,
And you will all agree,
When HRH The Duchess of Gloucester,
Officially opened our Court in Bushey.

Lying On My Bed Tonight

Lying on my bed tonight,
‘tis too early for me to sleep,
The time is twenty to one,
From my sleep this poem will me keep.

An Amputee’s Prayer

LORD send me the words to write tonight,
Send me the Muse to write,
Send me the thoughts to praise THY Name,
Today and every night.

Hit By A Supermarket Trolley

I am not afraid to show my Stump
Where my Right Leg used to be,
Hit by a Supermarket Trolley,
In the year Two Thousand and Three.

My Grand-Daughter's First Book

Saffra, my Grand-Daughter, has written a book,
‘Destiny Falls' it is called,
Proud am I of her success,
Hopefully she will write more and more.

My Guardian Angel

I’ll sing HIS praises from the rooftops,
When I’m well or when I’m ill,
No matter how I feel each day,
I’ll sing HIS praises and do HIS will.

Poetry Mode

When my Brain goes into Poetry Mode
I cannot stop praising THEE,
YOU are my Strength and I need YOU,
To aid my recovery.

Regents Park On A Sunday Afternoon In July

I watch the people walk past me,
Whilst sitting in my car,
Outside the Rose Gardens in Regents Park,
Some near, and some walking afar.

The Road To Recovery

Today I leave Northwick Park Hospital,
To Willesden I do go,
The Road To Recovery starts today,
But my Future I do not know.

Yesterday Was History

Yesterday was History,
Today begins the Present,
Tomorrow never comes,
So, live today with love and fun

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