Jonathan ROBIN Poems

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Computing commuters hirsute
bawdy brutes though in collar and suit,
who as train hoots toot-toot
spy true beauty who's mute,

Alliterative Abilities Await Accolade

Deftly drawing deep desccriptions, denigrates dupes, demarcate
Drive divinely dated, daring, duty disparages degenerates.
Discord difficulties discarded, differences demonstrate
Decision's dream, deems drafted ditty deliciously delectate.


With inside out, and out, surprised, inside!

Pride Aside On Love

Innocence and pride make two
as pride and love - forget-me-not -
from fever cools as through and through
fond memories few keep. Fools blot

Litotes Ii

Mighty fall, all dust returns to dust
As pride's joy-ride proves vain, life's flame departed.
Uncertain is our sojourn, iron's rust

Drawing A Purple Blank Verse After Gelett Burgess Purple Cow

I've never cowed to purple prose
know now I'll never write it,
for anyhow true writer knows
hand stretched finds critics bite it.

O wither away, ye copyright dear
from unfair niche in Plunderland!

Stockholders promised wondrous glows

You tell me you’ve taken a lover,
the Serpent, to suckle at breast,
what took you so long to discover
its worth, that you seemed to detest?

Incandescent Dragon Destiny

Fire and brimstone lay all bare: birth, mirth, dearth earth berth soon prepare.
Great, low, brash dash, ash grate's despair, pride rider, beggar, rich, austere.
Play folds after brief fame flare, tide turns, life burns, urn earns; no prayer
staves off brave, weakling wear and tear, which singes all beyond repair.

Virus, virus striking fast,
will you get your man at last?
brush his pomp and pride away,
no tomorrow for today?

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